Toccoa parishioners distribute masks
Published June 12, 2020
TOCCOA–St. Mary Church, Toccoa, helped its community in need during the pandemic.
The Vietnamese community at St. Mary Church distributed close to 1,000 homemade and washable face masks throughout the Toccoa-Stephens County and Lavonia area.
Masks were personally delivered to parishioners, along with local hospitals, nonprofits, and law enforcement agencies in Stephens County and others.
The service project was facilitated by Father Henry Pham, pastor, along with the support and direction of Sister Rosa (Anna) Nguyen and the community.
Also, during this unprecedented time, the church responded to an urgent community-wide call on behalf of the Salvation Army.
Brenda Gragg, a social worker, announced a need for personal toiletries for the needy and homeless in the Toccoa-Stephens County area.
Church members responded with a two-day collection at the parish hall. The drive collected an abundance of hygiene items for the Salvation Army center.
Contact Andrew Nelson at anelson@georgiabulletin.org with notable submissions or ideas.