
Vatican City
Pope clears way for beatification of Georgia martyrs
Pope Francis has formally recognized that five Franciscan missionaries ministering in what is now the state of Georgia were killed for their faith.
Pope to U.S.: Migration policies built on force, not truth, ‘will end badly’
By CAROL GLATZ, Catholic News Service
Published February 11, 2025Pope Francis has urged U.S. Catholics and people of goodwill to not give in to “narratives” that discriminate against and cause unnecessary suffering to migrants and refugees. The pope made his comments in a letter to the U.S. Bishops released Feb. 11.
Pope looks back on his life, urges people to look to future with hope
Published January 15, 2025
In “Hope: The Autobiography,” the pope reflects on his childhood, vocation, his age and shares an encouraging message of a hope that cannot be beaten. The autobiography was released Jan. 14.
On New Year’s, pope calls for real commitment to respect human life
By CAROL GLATZ, Catholic News Service
Published January 1, 2025Marking the feast of Mary, Mother of God, and the start of 2025, Pope Francis renewed his appeal for a “firm commitment” to respect all human life worldwide.
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