David A. King, Ph.D. News & Columns
David A. King, Ph.D. is professor of English and film studies at Kennesaw State University and director of OCIA at Holy Spirit Church, Atlanta.
David A. King, Ph.D.
“Looking back and looking ahead: Catholic cultural milestones for 2025”

The Catholic writer F. Scott Fitzgerald concludes his great American novel “The Great Gatsby” with one of the most memorable lines in modern literature: “So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.”
Previous Columns by David A. King, Ph.D.
Five poems for a Christmas creche in verse
‘Time and the bell have buried the day:’ Pro football and gratitude for the liturgical year
Don Quixote and the Catholic imagination for All Hallows,’ All Saints’ and All Souls’
Flannery O’Connor and Lourdes: Little voices that make a difference
‘The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes’ a highlight of Tissot’s Life of Christ series
Mystery, mistakes and miracles: practicing golf and Catholicism
‘Wildcat’ brilliantly Captures O’Connor’s vocation and vision
Speaking of Language: Arthur Quinn’s classic rhetoric text ‘Figures of Speech’
St. Justin Martyr’s timeless description of the Mass in the early church
70 years later ‘On the Waterfront’ testifies to the importance of truth
Professor Victor A. Kramer: Teacher, mentor, scholar and friend to Atlanta Catholics
‘No curtain, no scenery’: At 85 ‘Our Town’ Endures in the Catholic imagination
Lasting Halloween mystery is in the Liturgy of the Word
The Universal Prayer of Pope Clement XI
Thomas Merton’s ‘Original Child Bomb’ and the Oppenheimer film
Youth baseball from a Catholic parent’s perspective
Karl Rahner’s ‘Mary Mother of the Lord’
‘Guadalcanal Diary’ and Father Francis W. Kelly
In memory of David Bottoms, former Poet Laureate of Georgia