Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


St. Matthew Church enlarged circle of love  

Published January 23, 2025

TYRONE—Parishioners of St. Matthew Church focused during the fall and Advent season on widening its circle of care.  

The church was alive with the Dec. 12 Our Lady of Guadalupe celebration as believers gathered with song led by the “las mananitas” and prayed the rosary. Later that day, the community hosted a procession, a play about the apparition followed by a celebration of the Mass. Fellowship with food followed the religious service.  

Father Valery Akoh, left, is photographed with dancers celebrating Our Lady of Guadalupe’s feast day.

A bilingual Women’s Day of Reflection titled “Waiting with Mary” was attended by ladies from St. Matthew and several surrounding churches. On this day speakers offered a lesson about how like Mary, every person faces times of trial and waiting but through Jesus those time can turn to times of joy.  

Sixty-five volunteers from the church showed up on a Saturday morning to have a Christmas party for the children of Suburban Woods, a development parishioners make meals for during its summer lunch ministry. Under a rented, heated tent, parishioners baked sweets and goodies for the children and their parents to enjoy. Children could shop for gifts for their parents from a variety of donated new gloves, hats, scarves and slippers, which volunteers wrapped. The youngsters selected two gifts for themselves provided by Southside Toys for Tots.  

St. Matthew has a relationship with Toys for Tots. Its gym was the gifting headquarters. Toys were sorted from among 200 donation boxes put out in Fayette and Coweta counties. From the work at the parish, 25,000 toys were given to more than 7,300 children in five counties. Local businesses and people, including many parishioners, donated more than $52,000 to cover expenses. The use of church facilities helped keep administrative expenses less than 2%.  

The parish celebrated the news that containers filled with school supplies in August reached Liberia. A St. Matthew member is in the country to aid in that distribution.  

Contact Andrew Nelson at or 404-920-7433 with Notable ideas or submissions.