Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta

Los Tres Obispos (The Three Bishops)

Published March 14, 2013

Last Wednesday, March 6, was the first time all three of the Archdiocese of Atlanta’s bishops came together for a joint photo session. The two existing bishops, Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory and Auxiliary Bishop Luis Zarama, and Bishop-designate David Talley gathered in Hall C of the Archdiocese’s Chancery, where I took individual portraits and a group shot.

The archdiocese’s creative director, J. David Pace, graciously assumed the role of bishop stand-in for the individual tests shots, so I could get the proper exposure and set the lights on the appropriate marks. I knew the group photo would be more challenging, so I called in three more bishop stand-ins. Georgia Bulletin reporter Stephen O’Kane was Bishop-designate David Talley, Ashley Morris, assistant director for the Office of Black Catholics, was Archbishop Gregory, and Tom Campbell, associate superintendent, Office of Catholic Schools, was Auxiliary Bishop Luis Zarama.

The bishop stand-ins included (l-r) Stephen O’Kane, Ashley
Morris and Tom Campbell. 
With two bishops wearing eyeglasses on both sides of Archbishop Gregory, I had to take some additional test shots to ensure the lights were properly placed in order to avoid little or no glare in their glasses. I also wanted to do as much as I could ahead of the two o’clock photo session so I was not wasting the bishops’ time. Once I was satisfied with the test shots, I placed masking tape on the carpet by the lights. I marked the tape for individual portraits and the group shot. That way all I had to do was move the lights to their mark. I still had to tweak the lights some when it came time to photograph the real bishops for their photograph, but it would have taken a lot more of their time had there been no advance preparation. Thanks to the stand-ins.

The authentic bishops (l-r) Luis Zarama, Wilton Gregory
and David Talley.

Michael Alexander, Staff Photographer
