Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta

Trip to Dalton

Published July 20, 2011

Shrine on the campus of St. Joseph Church, Dalton
I drove to Dalton to meet with Father Paul Williams on Friday, July 15. He is the pastor of St. Joseph Church, a parish that is about 90 percent Hispanic. The story focused on the STATE immigration law, HB 87. That evening hundreds of Hispanics gathered in a lively prayer service and I figured I could speak with a few folks about the law. I wrote about it in the July 21 issue of the Georgia Bulletin.

I shot this video and then used the scene as my lede for the story:

I also took this photo of leaders of the prayer group crowded into this small room. I heard this intense sound coming from the room before I could peer in and see the scene. I couldn’t understand what they were saying, but it was obviously heart felt.


Also, Father Williams and his community are expected to be profiled in Time Magazine. A writer and a crew of photographers visited Dalton and the parish to take a look it from a national perspective. I’m curious to see what they saw and wrote. –Andrew


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