Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta

I write like … a literary giant.

Published July 15, 2010

I’ve been writing for newspapers since 1993. When I tried out as a cub reporter for a six-day a week newspaper, my first story was about a small village in New York testing a new recycling truck and how residents should separate their trash. (Sadly, I didn’t keep copies of that engrossing story.)

But from such humble roots, great things have come. That is if you believe a website called “I Write Like.”

The site, put together by Coding Robots, takes a sample of writing and by clicking on the ‘analyze’ button and out comes your literary twin. The computer software looks at word choice, writing style, number of words, commas, and semicolons in sentences, number of sentences with quotation marks and then announces what well known author you write like.

I tested three stories: a rough draft of a future story compared me to Kurt Vonnegut; a story from earlier this month about Sudanese bishops visiting Atlanta could have been penned by Kurt Vonnegut and a 2009 story about Aux. Bishop Luis Zarama, James Joyce.

Not too shabby.

I write like
Kurt Vonnegut

I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

–Andrew, reporter
