Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta

A happy assault on the senses

Published June 8, 2010
I checked out the celebration of the “KKI” on Sunday, June 6. That’d be the Indonesian Catholic Community that is based at Our Lady of Assumption Church, Atlanta.
The great smells from the grills, the unfamiliar language, seeing traditional arts and crafts really made the day-long event a nice place to spend a few hours.
The community marked 10 years since its founding. But instead of celebrating just themselves, the group invited the whole Indonesian community from Atlanta, Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, to the celebration.
And its purpose wasn’t to pat themselves on the pat with an ‘attaboy. Proceeds from the day were to aid an orphanage back in the home country. –Andrew

A few photos:

Sofjan Handgjo, the coordinator of the Indonesian community.

Exhibits highlighted native arts, including this puppet which is one of ‘the three clowns,’ known for their mischief and deep wisdom.

Deacon Antonius Anugerah climbs out of the dunk tank.
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