St. Anna expands Wall of Honor tribute to veterans
By MARY THERESE GRIFFIN, Special to the Bulletin
Published December 12, 2019Last year, St. Anna Church, Monroe, honored the military veterans of the congregation with a Wall of Honor. The Knights of Columbus Council #14425 built four panels to display more than 200 photos. The wall drew much interest, and the faces of those featured increased this year to 286.
Deacon Thomas Metzger, of St. Anna Church, dies November 21
Published December 12, 2019
Deacon Thomas J. Metzger died unexpectedly at his home on Nov. 21, at the age of 67.
Catholic Charities Atlanta connects donors with families in need
Published December 12, 2019Christmas Connections, also known as Adopt-A-Family is sponsored by Catholic Charities Atlanta and links parishioners with families in need.
Senior Christmas luncheon a 20-year tradition for Woodstock parish
By ANDREW NELSON, Staff Writer
Published December 12, 2019Some 216 senior citizens were the VIP guests at the annual Christmas luncheon at St. Michael the Archangel Church on Friday, Dec. 6.
Reading Prufrock at Advent
By DAVID A. KING, Ph.D, Commentary
Published December 12, 2019Yesterday, for perhaps the 100th time in my long career as a college professor, I taught once again T.S. Eliot’s astonishing poem “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,” which was published in 1915 in Harriet Monroe’s Poetry magazine.Over a century later, the poem still remains one of my favorite works in English literature.
Buechner Blood Drive marks a decade
Published December 12, 2019Holy Cross Church held its 10th annual Bob Buechner Blood Drive Saturday, Dec. 7. The initial visionary for the drive and its coordinator is Mark Kelly, but numerous volunteers and American Red Cross staff pitch in to make it happen.
Building blocks for thriving parishes
Published December 12, 2019What Amazing Parish does is provide pastors and their teams with tools to help transform their parish from maintenance mode to a mission-driven culture. It starts with a cohesive leadership team founded on three building blocks: a culture of prayer, a culture of healthy teamwork and a culture of active discipleship.
USCCB president urges prayers for pope’s 50 years as a priest
Published December 12, 2019The faithful across the United States are invited to pray for Pope Francis as he celebrates 50 years as a priest on Friday, Dec. 13. Los Angeles Archbishop Jose H. Gomez, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, sent a letter to bishops asking them to encourage parishioners to honor the jubilee during Advent.
The joys of spiritual motherhood
Published November 28, 2019We met in the hospital when she was a newborn, and I brought homemade cookies for her mother. The baby was tiny and sweet, and named Sarah Evangeline.
A Catholic canceling of a culture of racism
By ASHLEY MORRIS, Th.M., Commentary
Published November 28, 2019Father Bryan Massingale, a priest of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Christian ethicist at Fordham University and author of “Racial Justice and the Catholic Church,” spoke at Emory University’s Candler School of Theology for its Howard Thurman Lecture on Nov. 7.
Our Lady of Guadalupe celebrations announced
Published November 28, 2019
The feast in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Thursday, Dec. 12, will be celebrated with Masses, Aztec dances, processions and prayers.
Archdiocese taking part in census awareness campaign
By MARK WOOLSEY, Special to the Bulletin
Published November 28, 2019The 2020 census count doesn’t commence until next spring, but preliminary planning is underway as U.S. Census Bureau officials toil to establish working relationships with local and community groups to help ensure a comprehensive count. And the Archdiocese of Atlanta is figuring into that process in a prominent way.
Mercy junior honored with national Youth Virtues, Valor and Vision Award
By ANDREW NELSON, Staff Writer
Published November 28, 2019For her work to support Camp Sunshine and families of children with cancer, Danielle Garger earned the Youth Virtues, Valor and Vision Award from the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA). Garger is a junior at Our Lady of Mercy High School, Fayetteville.
The Senior Side: The Salt Shaker Christmas
By BILL CLARKE, Commentary
Published November 28, 2019The first time I saw the movie, “A Christmas Story,” I was deeply moved because I could have been Ralphie, the main character. Same age … same locale … same everything.
St. Gabriel’s Knights of Columbus host Faith & Sharing Mass
By ERIKA ANDERSON REDDING, Special to the Bulletin
Published November 28, 2019The Faith and Sharing Mass celebrated by Bishop Bernard E. Shlesinger III at St. Gabriel Church was held Nov. 3. The Mass was hosted by the St. Gabriel Knights of Columbus and the archdiocesan Disabilities Ministry.
Thanksgiving blessings shared
By ANDREW NELSON, Staff Writer
Published November 28, 2019President Abraham Lincoln set the holiday of Thanksgiving on our civic calendar. He wrote how it was “fit and proper” the gifts of God “should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and one voice by the whole American People.” The Georgia Bulletin asked a few people to share their gratitude.
Bishops hear that third-party reporting system may start in February
By DENNIS SADOWSKI, Catholic News Service
Published November 16, 2019A third-party reporting system to field sexual misconduct allegations against bishops could be in place by the end of February, an official of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops told the bishops during their fall general assembly in Baltimore.
Historic Catholic center thrives in east Georgia
Published November 14, 2019Catholics looking for a historic and sacred place to renew their faith can discover what is considered “the cradle of Catholic Georgia.” Purification Heritage Center, located some 100 miles east of Atlanta, is serving groups for day retreats that include Mass, walking pilgrimages and lunch.
Overcoming obstacles in young adult ministry
Published November 14, 2019This fall, the Office of Formation and Discipleship collaborated with The Georgia Bulletin on a survey for young adults in the Atlanta Archdiocese. Of the more than 700 young adults who participated, 83% attend Mass 3-5 times per month and nearly 65% are involved in parish life including and outside of young adult ministry.
Bound by shared grief, staff assists families at natural burial grounds
By ANDREW NELSON, Staff Writer
Published November 14, 2019Honey Creek Woodlands in Conyers is a burial ground for those who wish to be buried in the simplicity of a wooden box or a shroud. Graves are marked with discreet sandstone markers. The grounds are owned by the Monastery of the Holy Spirit, which is across Highway 212.