Heads Up: Another Graduating Class Leaves An Artistic Mark - Georgia Bulletin - Georgia Bulletin

Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta

Heads Up: Another Graduating Class Leaves An Artistic Mark

Published May 16, 2013

A few weeks ago I was down at Our Lady of Victory School, Tyrone, for an assignment that was totally unrelated to something I would discover while I was there.

On the ceiling tiles above my head were a variety of colorful drawings – all with a religious or spiritual motif. There were images of Jesus, the Blessed Mother, crosses and a host of others. I learned it’s a tradition that began some 10 years ago for each outgoing eighth-grade class. Today there are approximately 135 drawings displayed in the school’s lobby and art room.

Our Lady of Victory principal Linda Grace said the ceiling art project started as “an opportunity for eighth-grade students to leave a personalized religious legacy to the school.” Emmanuel Mathieu, the school’s art teacher for the last five years, said the drawings “must be religious and representative of a designated annual theme.” This year’s theme was the Year of Faith.

From my observation there is a range of talent and skill; however, I randomly photographed three drawings that caught my attention. The first one was a drawing of Jesus by Ryan Lowther. Lowther will be attending high school at Our Lady of Mercy, Fayetteville. Since he enjoys art and math, his long-range goal is to become an architect.

Joachim Carreon created the second drawing of a boy praying. Carreon said he would like to draw it again at some point, because he received a number of compliments. Carreon is a member of St. Matthew Church, Tyrone, but he’s unsure what high school he’ll be attending.

The final drawing of two people supporting a heart was the work of Jordan Grier. Grier said she enjoyed doing her drawing and the symbolism behind it. Grier plans to attend high school at Woodward Academy, College Park.
To the entire Our Lady of Victory School class of 2013, I wish you the best in all your future endeavors.

Michael Alexander, Staff Photographer
