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Your Generation Will Make A Difference
February 19, 2004A heartbeat sounds for about 30 seconds, and then, without notice, the heartbeat stops. Suddenly hundreds of people silently march down the street, beginning their unspoken protest against abortion, which has claimed well over 43 million innocent lives since its legalization in 1973. January 22, 2004 marked the thirty-first anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the […]
Teens Rise Up For Pro-Life Cause
February 19, 2004“How many of you would like to receive an excused absence from our archbishop so that you could miss a day of school?” I asked the teens in our youth group. As you can imagine, pretty much every hand in the room flew up. All were invited to attend the archdiocesan “Rise Up For Life,” […]
End-Of-Life Program To Be Offered At All Saints
February 19, 2004A free workshop entitled “Preparation For Departure: Practical Things You Need To Know Before The End Of Life” will be offered by the Bereavement and Health Ministries at All Saints Church. The program will take place on Saturday, Feb. 21, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the All Saints recreation building, classroom 204. Topics […]
Athens Fun Run Benefits St. Joseph School
February 19, 2004St. Joseph School in Athens held its Fifth Annual 5K Jog and Fun Run on Saturday, Jan. 24. With 634 runners from ages 6-78, the race raised over $14,000 for the school. Additionally, $643 (one dollar from each entry plus donations) was donated in memory of Clute Nelson, a former St. Joseph student, to the […]
Sharpsburg Churches Plan Ecumenical Service
February 19, 2004An ecumenical Ash Wednesday service will be held by St. Mary Magdalene Church and Coke’s United Methodist Chapel on Wednesday, Feb. 25. The special program will be held at 7 p.m. at Coke’s Chapel on Lower Fayetteville Road, near the intersection of state road 154. This ecumenical service has been shared by the congregations of […]
Valentine’s Day Ball Sponsored By Marriage Encounter
February 19, 2004On Feb. 7, couples from the Marriage Encounter organization celebrated their marriages at the World Marriage Day Valentine Ball, held at the Chamblee-Dunwoody Holiday Inn. This year’s event was the 19th annual such event celebrated in Atlanta to honor the institution of marriage. World Marriage Day, the second Sunday in February, focuses on the uplifting […]
Rite Of Election To Gather Candidates, Catechumens
February 19, 2004Children, men and women preparing to be initiated into the Catholic Church at Easter will take one of their final steps on Saturday, Feb. 28, at the Georgia International Convention Center at 10:30 a.m. during the annual Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion. The celebration, sponsored by the Atlanta Forum on the Catechumenate, […]
Media with a Message: ‘The Wedding’ By Nicholas Sparks
February 19, 2004Nicholas Sparks’ latest novel “The Wedding,” the sequel to his first published novel “The Notebook,” explores the theme of whether a man can consciously change himself and rekindle the sparks of love he once had in his marriage. Wilson Lewis is the son-in-law of Noah and Ali Calhoun, the protagonists in “The Notebook.” After he […]
Spotlight On A Saint: St. Valentine
February 19, 2004At least two, and possibly three different St. Valentines, all of them martyrs, are mentioned in the early martyrologies (books containing information on the martyrs of the church) under the date of Feb. 14. One is described as a priest in Rome, another as the bishop of Interamna (now Terni, a city in central Italy). […]
Archbishop Urges Catholics To See The Passion
February 19, 2004To the Catholics of the Archdiocese of Atlanta, And to All People of Good Faith Dear Friends in Christ, On Wednesday February 25th, we will celebrate Ash Wednesday, and the beginning of the Lenten Season for the year of our Lord, 2004. As good Catholics do every year, we will undertake during the ensuing forty […]