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Nine From Atlanta Earn Degrees From Spring Hill
May 20, 2004Nine people from the Atlanta extension site of Spring Hill College at Holy Spirit Church earned master’s degrees in theological studies at the graduation ceremony for the 225 members of the class of 2004 held May 9. They are Richard Mauney, Julia Ray, Pat Crellin, Toni Vilardi, Deacon Keith Kolodziej, Mark Dannenfelser, Bob Kenney, Kathy […]
Marist Alumnus To Help U.S. Government Tackle World’s Poverty, Assist Developing Nations
May 20, 2004Published: May 20, 2004 ATLANTA—William Applegarth was packing up from vacation at his family’s 300-year-old home on Maryland’s Eastern Shore to return to Atlanta when he received a call saying he was expected to be in the East Room of the White House on May 10 at 9 a.m. At a ceremony that Monday morning, […]
What The Mass Is And What It Isn’t
May 13, 2004“Serve the Lord with gladness; come before him singing for joy” (Psalm 100:2). The liturgy of the church is the place where we all come together to admit to one another that we need God in our lives. Father James Moroney, a liturgist for the American Catholic bishops, wrote this interesting commentary: “It doesn’t matter […]
High Schools Hold Graduations In May
May 13, 2004St. Pius X High School ATLANTA—St. Pius X High School will graduate 238 seniors on Saturday, May 15, at Symphony Hall at 10:30 a.m. The valedictorian for the class of 2004 is Sarah Rolfes and the salutatorian is Elisabeth Rowley. St. Pius will have its Baccalaureate Mass at St. Brigid Church in Alpharetta on Thursday, […]
Program Speaks Urgently To Hispanic Young Adults
May 13, 2004The number of Spanish young adult parish ministries in the archdiocese has grown from 17 to 40 since 2002—one small señal (sign) of the depth and breadth of pastoral need of this steadily growing, predominantly Catholic Hispanic immigrant population across North Georgia. And as coordinator of the Oficina de la Juventud, or Hispanic Youth and […]
Melkite Catholic Church Opens Doors For Festival
May 13, 2004St. John Chrysostom Melkite Catholic Church invites people from around the archdiocese to its 39th annual Mid East Festival May 22 and 23, to enjoy parish-made Mediterranean foods and to enlighten and enliven their minds and spirits with Eastern culture and spirituality. That means everything from enjoying “jam sessions” of Arabic folk music, to learning […]
St. Peter Claver Students, Staff Walk For Diabetes
May 13, 2004A police escort stopped traffic as the students of St. Peter Claver Regional School stepped off on their 1.6-mile Walk for Diabetes on Thursday, April 29. Students, faculty, staff and parent volunteers raised money for this worthy cause for several weeks leading up to the walk. Ninety-four percent of the student body took part in […]
Janelle, Canadian Singer, To Perform At Pinecrest
May 13, 2004The Pinecrest Academy Parent Association will present a live concert with Catholic recording artist Janelle and her band ONE80 on Sunday, May 23, at 6 p.m. in the school’s gymnasium. Janelle, a French Canadian who hails from Alberta, Canada, is best known as the singer of the 2002 World Youth Day theme song, “Light of […]
Diaconal Class Of 2007 Instituted As Readers, Acolytes
May 13, 2004On the eve of the celebration of St. Patrick, 15 men in the diaconal formation class of 2007 took a major step in their progress toward ordination to the order of deacon at St. Matthew’s Church. The candidates were instituted as readers and acolytes in a rite celebrated by Archbishop John F. Donoghue and concelebrated […]
Catholic Center’s 5K Human Race Helps People
May 13, 2004The 26th Annual 5K Human Race, organized by the Catholic Center at the University of Georgia, was held on March 20. The race raised over $11,000 for three different charitable organizations. The proceeds from this race were donated to St. Mary’s Hospice, Camp St. Francis, which provides young children with a summer opportunity to develop […]