Girls’ flag football growing in popularity, kicks off at St. Pius X High School
By ANDREW NELSON, Staff Writer
Published October 14, 2022St. Pius X High School joined the other archdiocesan high schools in adopting flag football as a fall sport. Blessed Trinity High School battled to the state championship semi-finals in its inaugural 2021 season. Our Lady of Mercy High School fielded a team last year, and St. Mary’s Academy continues that team.
Father James F. Scherer, who served in Atlanta, dies Sept. 15
Published October 13, 2022
Father James F. Scherer died Sept. 15 at AuthoraCare Collective/Beacon Place in Greensboro, North Carolina. He was 85 years old.
Days of reflection prepare Atlanta Catholics for national congress
Published October 13, 2022Local faithful are invited to discuss the needs of Black and African Catholics at Congress XIII, scheduled for July 20-23, 2023 in National Harbor, Maryland.
Tolton play to visit Atlanta
Published October 13, 2022A one-man production on America’s first Black priest, Father Augustus Tolton, will come to the Archdiocese of Atlanta this November.
Pope prays for unity of church as he celebrates anniversary of Vatican II
By CINDY WOODEN, Catholic News Service
Published October 13, 2022The Second Vatican Council was the universal Catholic Church’s response to God’s love and to Jesus’ command to feed his sheep, Pope Francis said, celebrating the 60th anniversary of the council’s opening.
National Deaf Cursillo renews faith, sense of community
Published October 9, 2022Deaf women and men from around the country gathered at the 67th National Deaf Cursillo at the Ignatius House Jesuit Retreat Center to learn more about their faith. It was the first event for the community since the coronavirus pandemic.
St. Vincent de Paul Georgia names new CEO
By ANDREW NELSON, Staff Writer
Published October 6, 2022After leading St. Vincent de Paul Georgia through the COVID-19 pandemic, Patrick McNulty is stepping down as the leader of the statewide nonprofit.
Pope Francis and catechesis on old age
By BILL CLARKE, Commentary
Published October 4, 2022Calling old age one of the most urgent issues facing the human family at this time, Pope Francis recently devoted a series of homilies on the meaning and value of old age.
Tangled garden hoses, a parched tree and mosquito bites
Published October 3, 2022It was a simple enough plan. I’d go into the backyard and place the garden hose at the base of my favorite flowering tree, which was looking parched from the sun.
Queen Elizabeth II, British Catholicism and the Agatha Christie Indult
Published October 2, 2022Like many Americans, I have always been fascinated by Queen Elizabeth II, the longest reigning monarch in British history. In union with people all over the world, I was saddened by her death a few weeks ago.
The church and Halloween
By MICHAELA MULQUEEN, Special to the Bulletin
Published September 30, 2022Every year as the temperature begins to drop and the leaves begin to fall, the age-old debate inevitably resurfaces—whether or not Catholics should celebrate Halloween.
God’s standards of beauty
By ELIZABETH LONG, Special to the Bulletin
Published September 30, 2022God’s beauty standards are attainable. It begins with the realization that we are made in his image and that we are already beautiful in his eyes because we are his creation.
Marion Metz to speak at November Magnificat
Published September 30, 2022
Marion Metz, who has a passion for working with families and the youth, will be the guest speaker at the Magnificat gathering for women to be held on Saturda, Nov. 12.
Answering the call to abolish the death penalty
Published September 30, 2022In his September prayer intention, Pope Francis called on “all people of goodwill to mobilize for the abolition of the death penalty throughout the world.” As the faithful of the Archdiocese of Atlanta, in a state with active death penalty statutes, we should be committed to answering this call.
Unveiling the beauty beneath our faults
By ALEXANDER BROWN, Special to the Bulletin
Published September 30, 2022Soon before I aged into my teens, I grew fascinated with rocks and gemstones. My family had visited a few caverns and impressive geological sites, and I begged my parents to get me a variety of the beautiful specimens.
Spotlight on Father Avery Daniel
By MICHAELA MULQUEEN, Special to the Bulletin
Published September 30, 2022Father Avery Daniel’s journey to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of Atlanta was a decade in the making.
Scrolling and dopamine overload
By BENEDICT ESPOSITO, Special to the Bulletin
Published September 30, 2022Learn ways to use social media in moderation to help with scrolling and dopamine overload.
Marist breaks records in cross-country season
Published September 29, 2022Marist School’s cross-country team competed in the Wingfoot XC Classic on Friday, Sept. 23 at Sam Smith Park where junior Ruby Little of Marist defended her 2021 title.
Remaining healthy in ministry
Published September 29, 2022When asked which is the most important commandment, Jesus responds with “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.”
New farm helps people with disabilities ‘to live, work and thrive’
By ANDREW NELSON, Staff Writer
Published September 29, 2022An innovative farm in Peachtree Corners grows produce and raises animals while providing employment opportunities for people with disabilities. The program vision is building a wrap-around community, employing about 50 people to work on the farm, five greenhouses and 15 supported living homes.