St. Mary’s Health Care System salutes its top employees - Georgia Bulletin - Georgia Bulletin

Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta

Jeanine Mullins received the 2014 Catherine McAuley Award, St. Mary’s Health Care’s highest honor, on June 5. Presenting the award to Mullins are St. Mary’s president and CEO Don McKenna and Sister Deborah Kennedy, representing St. Mary’s sponsors, the Sisters of Mercy.


St. Mary’s Health Care System salutes its top employees

Published July 10, 2014

Jeanine Mullins, financial systems analyst with St. Mary’s Health Care System’s patient financial services, received the Athens hospital’s highest honor at an annual event to recognize employees on June 5 at the Classic Center.

Mullins received the 10th annual Catherine McAuley Award, named in honor of the foundress of the Sisters of Mercy, the religious sponsors of St. Mary’s. Mullins came to work at St. Mary’s in 2012. Co-workers who nominated her said she demonstrates an exemplary level of commitment to St. Mary’s mission and core values—especially service to the community, reverence for each person, commitment to those who are poor and justice, integrity and stewardship.

Mullins’ name was announced by Sisters of Mercy representative Sister Deborah Kennedy, RSM, vice president of mission integration for Mercy Medical in Mobile, Alabama.

At the event, some 178 employees and 18 recent retirees (with a combined total of nearly 3,112 years of service to St. Mary’s) were recognized. Two employees were honored for 45 years of service: Edmonda Snow, activities and office coordinator for St. Mary’s Highland Hills Village, and Gail Walton, a nurse, who has been caring for mothers and babies for her whole career with St. Mary’s Family Birth Center.