Organ donations shortage emphasized at St. Mary’s Hospital
Published February 5, 2025
St. Mary’s Hospital has earned national recognition for its work to increase organ, eye and tissue donor registrations
Student start-up offers Catholic apparel
By ALLISON MAWN, Special to the Bulletin
Published October 2, 2024Matthew 28 says to go make disciples of all nations. Five students at the University of Georgia are acting on that mission with their small business, Classic City Catholic.
Catholic Center life spurs UGA graduates to pursue missionary work
By ANDREW NELSON, Staff Writer
Published June 4, 2024Nearly a dozen recent University of Georgia graduates involved in the campus Catholic community are pursing the missionary life.
Athens high school celebrates cancer survivor’s graduation
By ANDREW NELSON, Staff Writer
Published June 3, 2024Eduardo Huato-Blanco was determined to receive his diploma at Monsignor Donovan High School. Halfway through his junior year, he embarked on several months of chemotherapy to treat anaplastic large cell lymphoma.
UGA student to be Perpetual Pilgrim in National Eucharistic Pilgrimage
By NATALIA DURON, Staff Writer
Published April 18, 2024University of Georgia student Jaella Mac Au will join the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage as a Perpetual Pilgrim. She is among 24 young adults who will make a cross-country trek toward the 10th National Eucharistic Congress.
Alison Loyd inspires students to ‘endure and overcome’
By ANDREW NELSON, Staff Writer
Published February 14, 2024Alison Loyd’s deep commitment to education, understanding of learning differences and faith motivated her to pursue a career in teaching at a Catholic school.
Emily Wilson shares message of being rooted in Christ at UGA visit
By ALLISON MAWN, Special to the Bulletin
Published October 5, 2023On Sept. 28, global influencer, author and speaker Emily Wilson visited the University of Georgia Catholic Center, providing an encouraging message to the community.
A sesquicentennial celebration for St. Joseph in Athens
By ALLISON MAWN, Special to the Bulletin
Published September 22, 2023St. Joseph Church, the first Catholic church in Athens, marked its 150th anniversary on Sept. 17, with Mass and a reception. Archbishop Gregory Hartmayer, OFM Conv., celebrated Mass, emphasizing the grace of community.
UGA students travel to Peru for service
Published May 11, 2023
A total of 13 students from UGA, and both Catholic Center chaplains, participated in a March trip to Peru for service and faith.
Monsignor Donovan HS celebrates 20 years
Published May 11, 2023Monsignor Donovan High Schoo in Athensl celebrated a special 20th Anniversary Founder’s Day on the birthday of Msgr. Walter J. Donovan, the school’s namesake.
Athens’ Monsignor Donovan High School walks with students facing cancer
By ANDREW NELSON, Staff Writer
Published March 16, 2023Prayers for the intercession of St. Peregrine were added to the morning announcements at Monsignor Donovan High School as two of its students had their lives altered by cancer. Eduardo Blanco and John Paul Abrigo learned of their diagnoses within weeks of each other.
The transcendent power of art
By ELENA ACOSTA, Special to the Bulletin
Published March 31, 2022Father Anthony Salzman, an Orthodox icon painter and Joey Martineck, director of Respect Life Ministry, discuss how art has impacted their faith life.
‘Catholic Dawgs’ delves into life at Athens Catholic Center
Published December 10, 2021
Hosted by Father Brian McNavish, assistant director at the UGA Catholic Center, the conversations on the “Catholic Dawgs” podcast focus on a young person living their faith on campus.
Deacon Donald W. Marchildon remembered
Published November 12, 2021
Deacon Donald Wood Marchildon of Athens died peacefully and surrounded by family on Oct. 25. He was 84 years old.
Catholic educators, parents reflect on the pandemic era
By ANDREW NELSON, Staff Writer
Published May 28, 2021After 12 months of improvising and adaptation, Catholic school teachers and parents shared thoughts on the constraints of the school year, but also some of the bright spots of the year.
A farewell to a trio of sisters
By ANDREW NELSON, Staff Writer
Published July 9, 2020The Athens Catholic community honored three retiring sisters with a farewell, drive-by parade on June 7.
Departing Franciscans leave enduring spirit at UGA Catholic Center
By ANDREW NELSON, Staff Writer
Published June 11, 2020The Franciscan friars, in their recognizable brown robes, will be leaving The Catholic Center at the University of Georgia at the end of June. Their departure ends some 60 years of ministry at the flagship university.
UGA senior looks for blessings as time on campus ends
By ANDREW NELSON, Staff Writer
Published April 16, 2020The pandemic crisis ended Nikki Edwards’ senior year as the University of Georgia campus in Athens closed. It also upended the campus organization she co-leads.
Compassion favorite value of Athens education honoree
By ANDREW NELSON, Staff Writer
Published February 6, 2020Stephanie Howe, Spanish teacher and dean of student services, is the Catholic education honoree representing Monsignor Donovan High School for 2020.
Athens parish launches faith formation for students with disabilities
By ERIKA ANDERSON REDDING, Special to the Bulletin
Published April 4, 2019In early March, nine of Lynn Langston’s students, ranging in age from 8 to 28, received the sacraments of Eucharist and confirmation. For the director of religious education from St. Joseph Church in Athens, the Mass was a special event. The students were part of Langston’s—and St. Joseph’s—first class for those with disabilities.