Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta

On assignment: The Shrine of Immaculate Conception

By Andrew Nelson, Staff Writer | Published December 5, 2018

The Shrine of Immaculate Conception, Atlanta, mirrored in the windows of the Fulton County Justice Center Tower, Central Avenue.

The other day I was at the Shrine of Immaculate Conception, the first Catholic church in Atlanta with records dating to 1846.

I was excited to interview Cathal Doyle and Jessie Bashor. They are the new directors of the Central Night Shelter. The shelter is practically a Bashor family heirloom. Both Mark and Katie Bashor were instrumental in starting the 100-bed men’s shelter and nurtured it for more than 30 decades. When Jessie’s mother died in 2016, the grief was too raw, so the family stepped back.  The two thirty-somethings are leading it now.

As I waited, I spotted the reflection of the red brick in the windows of the Fulton County Courthouse across Central Avenue.

Fast forward a couple days, I reported for jury duty.  I traveled by MARTA to this same courthouse to fulfill my civic obligation. The large jury waiting room is on the seventh floor. During the morning, officials called some 150 jurors to report to courtrooms, but not me.  I found the large windows overlooking the Shrine.

These are the two photos I took.

The Shrine from the seventh floor jury waiting room in the he Fulton County Justice Center Tower.