The Georgia Bulletin wins 13 Catholic Press Awards
By NICHOLE GOLDEN, Editor | Published July 11, 2022
PORTLAND, Ore.—The Georgia Bulletin, newspaper of the Archdiocese of Atlanta, won 13 national Catholic Press Awards at the Catholic Media Conference, “Back on the Trail,” in Portland, Oregon on July 7.
The awards are an annual program of the Catholic Media Association. The program accepts work completed by the association’s members in the United States and Canada in the previous year.
The Georgia Bulletin’s first-place awards were in the categories of Best Regular Column by a Bishop or Archbishop for Archbishop Gregory J. Hartmayer’s “Peace and All Good” columns, and Best Regular Column (Culture, Arts and Leisure) for Dr. David King’s “Culture and the Church.”

The Georgia Bulletin won a second place award for Best Diocesan Newspaper in its category at the 2022 Catholic Press Awards.
The Georgia Bulletin earned the second place award for Best Diocesan Newspaper in its class (non-weekly with six or more employees) with the judges providing positive comments on the content available for all ages, and headlines and photographs that attract readers. To enter, a paper submits three consecutive issues for consideration.
The paper won second place for Best Newspaper Website. The judges of the website category wrote, “This entry is modern, clean, consistent and well organized and therefore easy to scroll and navigate.”
Other awards are:
Best Multimedia Package-Feature in the All Member Division, third place, for “Choir brings Gregorian chant to worship at Atlanta parishes,” by Staff Writer Andrew Nelson, Videographer Allen Kinzly and retired photographer Michael Alexander.
Best Personality Profile, third place (non-weekly with a staff of six or more), for “Holy Vietnamese Martyrs feeds hundreds daily” by Staff Writer Andrew Nelson. Judges praised the “strong writing and colorful details.” Nelson received an honorable mention in the same category for his story, “Catholic Charities Atlanta staffer aids refugees like himself.”
Nelson won a third-place award in Best Representation of Social Justice Issues—Option for the Poor and Vulnerable, for the feature on Holy Vietnamese Martyrs Church’s effort to feed neighbors in need.
In the Best Sports Journalism category (sports news), Nelson won third place for volleyball coverage, “Cristo Rey Flames edge out Notre Dame Irish for senior night win.”
Michael Alexander received an honorable mention for Best Photo Gallery or Slide Show for “Mourning shooting victims, Asian Catholics join others against violence.“
Graphic Designer Tom Schulte earned an honorable mention in Best Use of Graphics (Best Original Illustration) for “What the Eucharist means to me.”
Staff Writer Samantha Smith and Photographer Johnathon Kelso earned an honorable mention for Best Story and Photo Package (by two or more people) for their piece, “Legion of Mary marks centennial of evangelization, prayer.”
Kelso received an honorable mention for Best Portrait for his photograph of “Brenda of the Legion of Mary.”
The Archdiocese of Atlanta’s Office of Communications also brought home an award. The communications staff earned a third-place award for the Best Package (COVID) for its “Pandemic Outreach Communications Plan,” which outlined the archdiocese’s ongoing COVID response.