Community effort raises money for St. Peter Claver Regional School athletes - Georgia Bulletin - Georgia Bulletin

Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Community effort raises money for St. Peter Claver Regional School athletes

Published May 2, 2018

At left, Christina Mirarchi, a graduate student with the Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE) program and teacher Leann Martin finished 13.1 miles at the Publix Georgia Half Marathon. The two coach the Kilometer for Kids program at St. Peter Claver Regional School in Decatur.

ATLANTA—More than 50 people participated on the ACE Teaching Fellows Team in March in the Publix Georgia Marathon. ACE, the Alliance for Catholic Education, is a master’s degree education program earned through Notre Dame University.

The runners included several who ran the 26.2-mile course and nearly 20 who laced up for the 13.1-mile half marathon. Two dozen from the team completed the 5K run. Supporters included the current ACE Teaching Fellow, former fellows, seven staff and faculty members from St. Peter Claver Regional School, along with friends and family of the Decatur school. Christina Mirarchi, an organizer, ACE Fellow and coach of Kilometer Kids, the running team at the school, said people from all over the country supported the effort on the exciting race day.

The group raised over $11,400 from the event to help the school pay for new track and athletic fields at the school.