New ultrasound machine blessed for Butts County pregnancy center - Georgia Bulletin - Georgia Bulletin

Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta

Supporters of the Butts County Pregnancy Resource Center marked a special day when the crisis pregnancy center received a new ultrasound machine. Father Diosmar Natad, pastor of St. Mary Mother of God Church, in Jackson, left, blesses the machine, surrounded by members of the Knights of Columbus Danny McMichael Council 12984 and staff and volunteers from the Butts County Pregnancy Resource Center.


New ultrasound machine blessed for Butts County pregnancy center

Published May 26, 2016

JACKSON—On Tuesday, April 12, Father Diosmar Natad, of St. Mary Mother of God Church, blessed a new ultrasound machine at the Butts County Pregnancy Resource Center, along with members of the Knights of Columbus Danny McMichael Council 12984, staff and volunteers.

The arrival of the ultrasound machine, and its associated capabilities, marks the end of a long campaign to transition the Butts County Pregnancy Resource Center to a pregnancy medical clinic. With the purchase of the ultrasound, the clinic, located at 153 Dempsey Ave., Jackson, will be considered a medical clinic with its first medical services being to diagnose pregnancy using limited obstetric ultrasound. In addition, the center will offer support to nearby counties.

The ultrasound program relies on the national Knights of Columbus organization to match money raised to purchase an ultrasound machine by the local Knights council, businesses and community members.