Scout builds Decatur outdoor classroom
Published April 28, 2016
DECATUR—Lucas San Miguel, now an Eagle Scout and an eighth-grader at Christ the King School, Atlanta, worked to help St. Peter Claver Regional School reach its goal of having an outdoor classroom.
With the help of his school principal, Tricia Ward, he spoke to SPC principal Susanne Greenwood about making the school’s vision of an outdoor classroom the focus for his Eagle Scout project.
The plan was to build it next to the school’s elementary playground. Once the plan was set, Lucas bought yarn, crocheted scarves in the SPC colors of green and blue and sold them to students. This sale funded the project.
Lucas gathered other Scouts to build benches and a podium for the classroom. Several Scouts and volunteers from Campbell High School’s IB program in Smyrna prepped the site, built a barrier and installed the materials.
The effort is winning praise from teachers.
“We have used it a handful of times for grammar, religion, and our Writer’s Workshop,” said Caitlin Neal, who teaches third and fourth grade at SPC.