Greensboro Knights raise funds for charity - Georgia Bulletin - Georgia Bulletin

Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Greensboro Knights raise funds for charity

Published January 8, 2016

GREENSBORO—Knights of Columbus Council 13808 at Christ Our King and Savior Church in Greensboro held its charity raffle and celebration on Columbus Day. Approximately 100 ticket holders attended for the drawing of the grand prize: a two-year lease of a 2015 Chevrolet Impala or $10,000 in cash.

The grand-prize winner was Henry Karwisch of Eatonton and his sister, Margaret, of Lakewood, California, who elected to take the cash prize. Five other winners, who received $200 each, were Teaunee Duran of Tempe, Arizona; Bryce Dejno of Bishop; Bone Island Grill House of Eatonton; Marlene Cullum of San Antonio, Texas; and Tom O’Brien of Ellerton, Florida, who donated his prize back to the sponsors for local charities.

The proceeds from the ticket sales will benefit charities supported by the Knights of Columbus in Greene, Putnam and Hancock counties. The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic fraternal service organization with more than 1.9 million members. The Pope John Paul II Council 13808 has 145 members and serves the three counties. For more information, visit