Pastor, convert to Catholicism, to lead Lent missions - Georgia Bulletin - Georgia Bulletin

Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Pastor, convert to Catholicism, to lead Lent missions

By NICHOLE GOLDEN, Staff Writer | Published March 7, 2014

ATLANTA—Catholic author Dr. Allen Hunt will speak about the themes of God’s promises and fulfilling God’s dreams during two Lenten parish missions this month.

Allen Hunt, Ph.D.

Allen Hunt, Ph.D.

Hunt, educated at Mercer and Emory universities, earned a Ph.D. in New Testament and ancient Christian origins from Yale University in New Haven, Conn.

Hunt was pastor of Mt. Pisgah United Methodist Church in Johns Creek, one of the largest Methodist congregations in the world. He stepped aside as the senior pastor in 2007 and entered the Catholic Church the following year. Hunt chronicled his journey in the book, “Confessions of a Mega Church Pastor: How I Discovered the Hidden Treasures of the Catholic Church.”

On March 10-12, Hunt will lead the Lenten parish mission at St. Anna Church in Monroe. The focus will be “The Life You’ve Always Dreamed of.”

“These three talks will provide very practical helps to create the relationship with God that each of us desires, and then lead into how to fulfill the dreams God has for your life,” said Hunt.

St. Anna’s mission programs will be from 7-8 p.m. Monday through Wednesday, concluding with a penance service on the final night.

Hunt will be sharing how to harness the power of the Holy Spirit in one’s life, and things that weigh people down.

St. Brigid Church in Johns Creek will also host Hunt for its parish Lenten mission March 24-26, from 7-8 p.m. The theme is “God’s Promises for You.”

Hunt explained why it’s important to recall these unique promises during Lent, a season of spiritual focus.

“The Passion of our Lord sets before us a living and vivid reminder of God’s purpose for our lives,” he said. “This is also the time when Catholics pay more attention than ever to God’s hopes and dreams for their lives. So it is the perfect time to remember and experience three of God’s great promises to each of us.”

Hunt will discuss the promise, “I Love You” during the Monday evening program.

“We hear those words a lot, but God goes to great lengths to express his love for you,” he said.

“I Will Never Leave You or Forsake You” is the promise to be featured the second evening of the mission. “This promise gives you great strength during the most challenging moments of life. Better yet, it gives you hope,” said Hunt.

The final evening of the mission will focus on the promise, “I Go to Prepare a Place for You,” including the nature of heaven and the eternal presence of God.

“We are headed somewhere, and it energizes your life to know and experience a first taste of that destination,” said Hunt.

St. Brigid’s penance service will be Thursday, March 27, at 6:30 p.m. Many visiting priests will be available for the sacrament of reconciliation.

Prior to both parish mission programs, Hunt will attend the preceding weekend Masses to offer a preview of the Lenten talks.

In addition to leading these parish missions, Hunt is also continuing his partnership with Matthew Kelly of the Dynamic Catholic Institute.

“We work to meet people where they are and lead them where God is calling them to be. That is the central purpose of our ministry as we help to re-energize people, parishes and dioceses,” said Hunt.

The ministry has a new confirmation program that will be made available to parishes free of charge, he said.

According to Hunt, the ministry is also developing learning resources for 10 key Catholic moments.

“Those moments are times when children and adults are most open to the faith and the message of the Church,” said Hunt.

They include confirmation, first Communion and first reconciliation, marriage preparation, birth and baptism, and the liturgical seasons of Lent, Easter, Advent and Christmas.

Hunt’s newest book, “Life’s Greatest Lesson: What I’ve Learned From the Happiest People I Know” was released in late 2013 and is about giving. He admits he’s “a little passionate” about the book.

“‘Life’s Greatest Lesson’ is a deeply personal book for me. I’ve never written something that I experienced so deeply as the parable that I share in this book,” said Hunt.

For more information on Dr. Allen Hunt’s ministry, visit