YAM Notes - Georgia Bulletin - Georgia Bulletin

Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta

YAM Notes

Published March 17, 2005

Enjoy a relaxed, educational, catered and traditional PASSOVER SEDER MEAL while attending an informative evening on how the Last Supper and the Passion of Christ are connected to the Jewish Passover Seder. The dinner will be held Wednesday, March 23, at 7 p.m. in the parish hall at the Cathedral of Christ the King. Deadline for signup is March 20, and the cost of $15 includes meal and wine. Participants must be age 21 or older. Payment may be made by credit card using PayPal at www.ctksingles.org, or a check payable to CTK Singles can be mailed to CTK Singles-Lenten Seder, Christ the King, 2699 Peachtree Rd., NE, Atlanta 30305. For information, contact Carla at (770) 655-1879 or carla_habeeb@yahoo.com.

The THANK GOD IT’S FIRST FRIDAY! MASS AND SOCIAL will be held Friday, April 1, at St. Philip Benizi Church, 591 Flint River Rd., Jonesboro. The sacrament of reconciliation will be offered at 7 p.m., and Mass will begin at 7:30 p.m. Catholic Poker Night social in the parish hall will follow. Cost for the social is $5. For more information, contact Rudy at rudyru777run@yahoo.com or (678) 794-3200.

LATIN FEVER 2005, a dance party fund-raiser, will be held Friday, April 8. All proceeds go towards the foundation of a new orphanage in El Salvador. Free dance salsa and meringue dance lessons will be offered. The event, hosted by the archdiocesan Hispanic young adult ministry, will begin at 8 p.m. at Three Dollar Café in Buckhead, 3302 Peachtree Rd., Atlanta. Cost is $15. For more information, contact Paula at (404) 454-5595 or Carolina at (678) 698-9382.

“ONE BODY IN CHRIST,” A DAY RETREAT FOR YOUNG ADULT LEADERS will be held Saturday, May 7. This retreat is especially for those who lead YAM groups or would like to start a YAM group at their parish. The retreat will be held at the Monastery of the Holy Spirit, 2625 Highway 212, SW, Conyers, from 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., followed by going out to dinner. The day will feature a talk on Christian leadership by Chris Lowney, author of “Heroic Leadership,” (www.chrislowney.com). The retreat will also include practical talks on starting and leading a young adult group, the chance to network with young adult leaders from around the archdiocese, small-group discussions, sacrament of reconciliation, Mass and free time to visit the monastery’s beautiful church, lake, extensive bookstore and bonsai tree garden. The cost of $20 includes continental breakfast and lunch. To register, contact Ann by April 29 at ann@yam.org or (770) 993-5245.