Australian Evangelist To Lead Healing Services - Georgia Bulletin - Georgia Bulletin

Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Australian Evangelist To Lead Healing Services

Published June 3, 2004

Alan Ames, a visionary and evangelist from Australia, will be in the Atlanta area for the fourth year in a row for three separate speaking engagements and healing services June 23-25.

Ames will speak at and lead a healing service on Wednesday, June 23, following a 7 p.m. Mass at St. Catherine of Siena Church, 1618 Ben King Road, Kennesaw. On Thursday, June 24, he will talk and lead a healing service following a 7 p.m. Mass at the Cathedral of Christ the King, 2699 Peachtree Road, NE, Atlanta. His final talk and healing service will be Friday, June 25, following a 7:30 p.m. Mass at St. Patrick’s Church, 2140 Beaver Ruin Road, Norcross.

An evangelist with a mystical prayer life and the reported gift of miraculous healing, Ames describes living in “two worlds”; he resides in the natural world but throughout the day he reports that he is frequently visited by or has communication with the Lord, the Blessed Virgin Mary and various angels and saints.

Aligned with the orthodox teachings of the Catholic Church and under the authority of his archbishop, Archbishop Barry Hickey of Perth, Australia, he has been traveling the world since 1993, spreading a message of God’s endless love, forgiveness, mercy and healing to a lost and broken world. Today, 11 years later, he is an internationally recognized evangelist and healer speaking at events with thousands of attendees at venues that have included the World Youth Day Conference with Pope John Paul II.

Caught up in the bondage of sin and heading on a course of self-destruction, through the grace of God Ames was transformed from a virtual non-believer to an emissary for Christ. Through total submission to God and much prayer, he became aware that his mission was to spread the message of God’s endless love and mercy to the world. The primary focus of his message is centered on the Eucharist, confession and the rosary which are means the Lord has given the faithful to realize his love and mercy. Event organizers feel that Ames’ story reflects how there is no love greater than God’s and no sin greater than his mercy.

Since beginning his public ministry, Ames has testified that he has experienced numerous miracles in his life, including the presence of the stigmata, the gift of joy upon receipt of the Eucharist, and countless “unexplainable healings” of individuals he prays over. He is quick to point out that these miracles are merely a “means to an end,” as they primarily serve as visible signs of God’s desire to love, comfort and heal his people. He also reports that for the last 11 years, he has received daily visitations and/or messages from the Blessed Trinity, the Blessed Virgin Mary, nearly 100 saints and numerous angels.They have been compiled, and published in book and video form.

For information on St. Catherine’s service call Pat Stumpf at (770) 973-5910; for St. Patrick’s service call Judy Seeley at (770) 535-2580; and for the Cathedral of Christ the King’s service call Jim McGillivary at (404) 848-0209.