Marriage Encounter Weekends Offered In February, March - Georgia Bulletin - Georgia Bulletin

Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Marriage Encounter Weekends Offered In February, March

Published January 29, 2004

Worldwide Marriage Encounter is offering retreats in the Atlanta Archdiocese on Feb. 20-22 and March 19-21.

The retreat is for married couples with good marriages who want to enrich them. Marriage Encounter teaches a unique method of communication. Many find the weekend to be filled with romance and excitement. The retreat allows couples to really talk with one another and be alone together without all the distractions of daily life.

“A Marriage Encounter weekend is an experience that will help you to make time for each other, to communicate more effectively and to rekindle that spark in your marriage. You can once again experience that special closeness and joy that will light up your life,” said Jack and Angel LaBate, area leaders for the past three years “It is a weekend that will last a lifetime.”

For more information call (866)-ATL-WWME or visit