Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta

Art at St. Matthew Church, Tyrone, honors parish namesake

By Andrew Nelson | Published March 25, 2017

The chapel at St. Matthew Church, Tyrone, is not only a place for prayer, but also art.

I took a road trip to this parish for an article about its effort to be more energy efficient. Taking some time for myself, I wandered into the chapel which is flooded with natural light.

Depictions of the parish namesake hang on the chapel walls as imagined by parishioners and other artists. In the art world, Matthew is commonly shown holding a book, referring to his book of gospel, or with bags of money, illustrating his life as a despised tax collector. One artist used a contemporary touch, showing Matthew with a laptop open on his desk.

What do we know about this Matthew?

Little is known about Matthew except where Jesus first encountered him at custom post (Matthew 9:9).  Later, when Jesus ate at his house, authorities accused Jesus of eating with “tax collectors and sinners.”  In reply Jesus said:

“Those who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do. Go and learn the meaning of the words, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ I did not come to call the righteous but sinners.”

Here’s a look at the art I enjoyed.


Artist Carol Thornton, parishioner



Artist Ryan Lowther, parishioner



Artist Comite Artis Haities



Artist Gregg Plese, parishioner



Artist Sheila Chambers, Salt Lake City, Utah