Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Published February 28, 2013

So Thursday there’s going to be a Twitter event giving thanks for Pope Benedict at #thankspontifex
— Fr. Kevin Peek (@FrKevinPeek) February 26, 2013

And the thanks flowed.

#ThanksPontifex for embodying the spirit of your theology on Church Doctor Thérèse of Lisieux, who put herself “in sinners’ shoes.”
— Janelle Peters (@JanellePeters) February 28, 2013

We love you! #ThanksPontifex You will be sorely missed..
— cassandrahollis (@cassandrahollis) February 28, 2013

What an honor to be living in this time. #pope #thankspontifex #sedevacante
— Lisa Wheeler (@AMDG) February 28, 2013

You will always be in my prayers & we will be in yours..You stay in our hearts forever. GBU #Thankspontifex
— Blanca-PR (@bgm55) February 28, 2013

@pontifex #ThanksPontifex for showing us that God is love – and how much he loves us!
— Kerrie Rivard (@kerrierivard) February 27, 2013

I’m just extremely grateful for all you have done for our Church. Thank you for your beautiful witness of Christ’s Love! #ThanksPontifex
— Ellen Custers (@LT_EllenC) February 27, 2013

@pontifex Prayerful gratitude, Holy Father, for all you have done – and for your prayers. Numbers 6: 24-26. #ThanksPontifex
— Tim Lilley (@Timonbass) February 28, 2013

“I have a mustard seed and I’m not afraid to use it” B16 #ThanksPontifex
— Just Candace (@ATLCatholic) February 27, 2013

True humility enlarges the soul, and makes it fit to serve God better! #thankspontifex
— Fr. Kevin Peek (@FrKevinPeek) February 28, 2013

“Through the Church the mys­tery of the Incar­na­tion remains present for­ev­er.” B16 #ThanksPontifex
— Joe C (@LT_JoeC) February 28, 2013

With the hour quickly approaching, I can already feel sede vacante in my soul. God Bless Pope Benedict XVI. #ThanksPontifex
— Catholic Drinkie (@CatholicDrinkie) February 28, 2013
