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11 New Deacons, Rest Of 2004 Class, Ordained
February 19, 2004As their 11 classmates, ordained the previous weekend, served as acolytes, the remaining 11 men of the class of 2004 were ordained to the permanent diaconate on Feb. 7 at the Cathedral of Christ the King. Friends and family of the men packed into the church, where they expressed joy in seeing the men make […]
Archbishop’s Visit Highlights Holy Spirit Prep Celebration
February 5, 2004Holy Spirit Preparatory School kicked off Catholic Schools Week by sponsoring the annual Msgr. Edward J. Dillon Catholic Trivia Bowl. On Monday morning, Jan. 25, 14 students in second to fifth grade and eight students in sixth to 10th grade answered questions that were far more advanced than trivial. Lower school students assembled first to […]
2004 World Day For Consecrated Religious Life: They Left Everything and Followed Jesus
February 5, 2004With help from the Benedictine Sisters at Queen of Angels Monastery, Sara Feick, an outgoing 37-year-old, is opening up spiritually, hoping to serve the people of God and embrace the intense depth of monastic life. A Benedictine novice in the Willamette Valley, Oregon, farming town of Mount Angel since 2001, Feick plans to profess promises […]
2004 World Day For Consecrated Religious Life
February 5, 2004Baptism calls each of us as Christians to proclaim God’s greatness, to accomplish God’s will, and to actively participate in solidarity with one human family. We each accomplish these mandates moving along different paths. Young people and some “not-so-young” people, both men and women, are called to a path known as Religious life. Those who […]
Program Gives Middle-Schoolers Chance To Rise Up
February 5, 2004It’s an age group not often singled out by the church, but the Archdiocese of Atlanta is trying to change that with a new ministry for middle-school students. Lynn Ory, youth minister at St. Oliver Plunkett Church in Snellville, and Brian Walsh, youth minister at St. Thomas the Apostle Church in Smyrna, now serve as […]
St. Joseph School Student Is America’s Top Young Scientist
February 5, 2004Joseph Stunzi is a typical eighth-grade boy. He likes computers. He plays the guitar. On a chilly January day in his science class when his teacher, Mary Partridge, asks him and a classmate to don safety goggles for an experiment, he giggles along with the rest of his fellow classmates. And when he grows up, […]
St. Patrick’s Events Include Mass, Parade, Wreath-Laying
February 5, 2004To celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, the Hibernian Benevolent Society of Atlanta is planning a number of events during the month of March, including the 121st St. Patrick’s Day Parade. The Annual Wreath-Laying Ceremony at the Father Thomas O’Reilly Memorial at the old Atlanta City Hall will be held on Friday, March 12, at 1 p.m. […]
2003 D’Youville Award Presented to St. Francis Table
February 5, 2004A volunteer group from the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception was the recipient of the 2003 Marguerite d’Youville Award given each year by the Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart to the individual or group that best exemplifies the charism of their founder. St. Francis Table is a soup kitchen run by a volunteer group […]
Morality Will Be Focus of Teen Program On Feb. 27
February 5, 2004On Feb. 27, from 7-9 p.m. at Blessed Trinity High School, parents and their high school teens are invited to hear retired professional basketball player A.C. Green share his inspiring story of chastity in the NBA. “High Fidelity” will feature Green, as well as fellowship, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and music provided by Kevin […]
Faith and Service Light The Way At St. Andrew
February 5, 2004St. Andrew Catholic Church is known for its tremendous spirit of generosity laced with pure Catholic tradition. These qualities appeal to the 2,300 North Fulton families who worship there. This family-oriented parish is located at 675 Riverside Road on a scenic stretch of the Chattahoochee River. Pastor Father Frank Richardson, who was assigned to this […]