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The Faith Of C.S. Lewis
March 4, 2004C.S. Lewis died Nov. 22, 1963. He was a Christian writer who had no peer when it came to challenging skeptics. Though he was a brilliant defender of the faith, it may come as a surprise to learn that Clive Staples Lewis was an atheist most of his adult life. His mysterious conversion from nonbelief […]
C.S. Lewis’ ‘Four Loves’ Defines The Ultimate Love
March 4, 2004We all long to love and be loved. We’re made for it. But do we know what we ask, when we ask for love? We toss around, stretch, beat and mold the word “love” into so many different square pegs which we then attempt to cram into the round holes of our hearts—that we’re not […]
Gibson’s ‘Passion’ Prompts Efforts To Evangelize
March 4, 2004Carol Braun went on a church outing to see “The Passion of the Christ” with four theaters full of members from St. Peter Chanel Church in Roswell and St. Brigid’s in Alpharetta. She left feeling “very proud, very joyful and like somebody finally got it right on the screen.” Her whole family was “blown away […]
Atlanta Hosts Image Of Our Lady Of Guadalupe
March 4, 2004For the first time since 1994, an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe will travel to parishes, homes and abortion mills in the Atlanta area. The image is one of four life-size copies made from the original supernatural picture in Mexico to journey around the world on a peace mission. It is believed that all […]
Lenten Retreat Will Focus On Discipleship
March 4, 2004St. Mark’s Church will hold a Lenten retreat March 7, 8 and 9. Led by the Religious Sisters of Mercy from Alma, Mich., and Denver, the retreat will offer a series of talks on discipleship—its gifts and duties as well as its challenges and promises. The retreat will begin on Sunday, March 7, at 6:30 […]
St. Philip Benizi Hosts Day Of Franciscan Spirituality
March 4, 2004A Day of Franciscan Spirituality will be held on Saturday, March 27, at St. Philip Benizi Church in Jonesboro. St. Francis of Assisi has been called “everybody’s saint” because of his popularity all over the world. Many people associate him with gardens and animals for he loved all creation and saw within it the Creator. […]
‘Fiddler On The Roof’ Brings Shared Traditions To Stage
March 4, 2004One of the great American musicals is coming to the Cathedral of Christ the King. “Fiddler on the Roof,” CTK Theater Ministry’s newest production, will be brought to the stage… with a little help from our Jewish neighbors. “Fiddler,” based on stories by Sholom Aleichem by special permission of Arnold Perl, was created for the […]
Celebration Of Cultures Unites Mercy Students
March 4, 2004For the students at Our Lady of Mercy High School, Feb. 9 brought an annual opportunity to witness concrete evidence of the diversity of both their school and the Catholic Church. The third annual multicultural Mass and luncheon was an event that brought together the many cultures that exist within the school. Students dressed in […]
What’s YAM?
March 4, 2004Before you start reading this article, you need to learn a few acronyms: YAM = Young Adult Ministry CTK = Christ the King NYAM = Northside YAM ACS = Atlanta Catholic Sports OK, now you’ve got the vocabulary! I was at CTK Singles’ monthly meeting on the third Sunday in January. I try to go […]
Week To Focus On Awareness Of Vocations
March 4, 2004Father Brian Higgins loves being a priest. And he hopes that in his role as vocations director for the archdiocese, he can lead others to love what they are called by God to do. “I just want them to love their vocation as much as I love mine,” he said. Creating a deeper awareness of […]