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Visiting ‘Wizard’ Challenges, Delights Students
April 22, 2004A puff of smoke rings wafted over students seated on the floor of St. Joseph School’s cafeteria as hands shot up in the air, swatting at the cloudy gray circles. On April 2, the cafeteria was more than just a place for food and fellowship. The room had been transformed into a science lab, and […]
Youth News: Media with a Message:
April 20, 2004‘The Five People You Meet in Heaven’ The novel “The Five People You Meet in Heaven” begins at The End. As soon as we are introduced to Eddie, a maintenance worker at the Ruby Pier amusement park, on his 83rd birthday, a countdown to his impending death begins. Having worked at the amusement park for […]
Serrans to Hold Special Vigil for Vocations April 29
April 15, 2004The Serra Clubs of Atlanta will hold a vigil for vocations on Thursday, April 29, at Sacred Heart Church, Atlanta. The service will begin with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at 5:30 p.m. Father Ricardo Bailey will then lead the Passio Domini with Benediction beginning at 6:30. Mass will then be celebrated at 7 p.m. […]
Priests Called to Obey God’s Will at Chrism Mass
April 15, 2004Some 150 priests from around the archdiocese and their faithful parishioners gathered at the Cathedral of Christ the King on April 6 of Holy Week for the annual Chrism Mass, where they renewed their vows to the priesthood and holy oils were blessed for their sacramental use over the next year. The principal celebrant, Archbishop […]
Archbishop’s Directive
April 15, 2004The following is Archbishop John F. Donoghue’s directive sent to clergy of the archdiocese regarding the rite of the Washing of the Feet on Holy Thursday, April 8. At the celebration of the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday, the rite of the Washing of the Feet is optional. Where it is […]
The Priesthood: An Extraordinary Sign of God’s Plan
April 15, 2004This is the homily given by Archbishop John F. Donoghue on Holy Thursday at the Cathedral of Christ the King, Atlanta. Dear Friends in Christ, As our Lord’s time on earth grew shorter, He understood that certain things must take place, before He was to be taken away from His Apostles, from the Twelve whom […]
Good Friday Event Highlights Pain of Poverty
April 15, 2004At a neighborhood housing site of a vacant lot littered with rubbish on Edgewood and Daniel streets, during a Good Friday observance of the Urban Stations of the Cross through downtown Atlanta, Miles McCabe of Habitat for Humanity spoke on the “nails of oppression” driving out the poor by gentrification. At this new stop on […]
Former Student Brings A Cappella Group to School
April 15, 2004Our Lady of the Assumption School 1997 alumnus Mark Dunn came back for a special visit to his elementary school and parish on March 15 and brought 14 of his Yale classmates with him. Dunn, a freshman at Yale University, is studying accounting. He started singing in high school at Marist School, Atlanta, and when […]
Monastery Celebrates 60 Years of God’s Grace
April 15, 2004Published: April 15, 2004 CONYERS—The monks began their monastery in 1944 “with a simple hay-barn, and have made it into a manger of salvation for countless souls,” Archbishop John F. Donoghue said. “They have helped grace to build miracles, upon the simplicity of what God has given them.” Speaking on the 60th anniversary of the […]
St. Jude Students Prepare for Easter Throughout Lent
April 15, 2004Students at St. Jude the Apostle School participated in many Lenten activities as they prepared for the celebration of Christ’s resurrection. Fifth-graders were responsible for the school’s Ash Wednesday Mass, leading the procession and serving as gift bearers, lectors and altar servers. Food collected for their service project for the Community Action Center was presented […]