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Teaching Nun, Sister Rita Led Many To God
July 15, 2004As a teacher and an administrator at St. Pius X High School, Sister Rita Marie Raffaele had a reputation for being strict. But for those who knew her, her toughness was balanced, if not overpowered, by her fairness, good humor and, most especially, her great faith in God. Though small in stature, the late Grey […]
Military Chaplain Honored At Retirement
July 15, 2004Father Paul J. Bolton, who will be 68 in October and has been a priest for 42 years, has been serving in the military chaplaincy for 39 years. A priest of the Diocese of Providence, R.I., he began by serving as a chaplain to the Rhode Island National Guard in July 1965. In addition to […]
Natural Family Planning Is Vital Church Ministry
July 15, 2004In his Letter to Families (1994) Pope John Paul II cites ministry to the family as one of the church’s essential duties. The family is the building block of society and, our faith tells us, the “domestic church.” It is the place where husband and wife love each other “as Christ loves the church” (Eph. […]
Couples Speak To Couples In NFP Classes
July 15, 2004Natural Family Planning has been referred to as “the church’s best kept secret,” but in the Archdiocese of Atlanta the secret is out and couples are signing up for classes in record numbers. I believe the reason for the increase can be summed up in the support of Archbishop John F. Donoghue and the amazing […]
CTK School Raises Funds For Children In Haiti
July 15, 2004Christ the King School students who heard a Haitian priest speak about the poor conditions in his country have been empowered to try to make a difference. When Christ the King School’s second- through fifth-grade student council held their first meeting in September, the representatives wanted to make sure to do a service project to […]
Dom Francis Michael Receives Abbatial Blessing
July 15, 2004Dom Francis Michael Stiteler, OCSO, received the abbatial blessing as the seventh abbot of Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Monastery on the feast of St. Benedict July 11 with 600 to 700 people witnessing the celebration. The Mass of blessing came 30 years after the abbot, a native of Philadelphia, entered the Conyers monastery […]
Independence Day And Human Dignity
July 1, 2004Some of us can remember dealing with the childhood challenge of distinguishing “independents” from “independence.” Having worked that issue through in homework assignments, we came each summer to the annual Fourth of July observance ready to celebrate our independence as independent citizens of “the greatest country in the world.” Being independent is the goal of […]
‘It Takes A Community To Make A Priest’
July 1, 2004“It takes a community to make a priest,” Archbishop Basil M. Schott of the Byzantine Archdiocese of Pittsburgh told more than 500 Serra club members from around the world gathered in Pittsburgh. He said that families, parishes, dioceses and eparchies as well as the universal church have a responsibility to raise men to become priests […]
Magnificat Speaker To Talk On Joy In Christian Life
July 1, 2004Carol Razza, Ed. D., who will speak at the Magnificat breakfast in August, brings together over 20 years of experience as a psychotherapist with her work as a spiritual leader in retreats, parish missions and conferences. An adjunct professor at St. Vincent de Paul Seminary in Boynton Beach, Fla., she is a licensed psychotherapist in […]
Moment Of Conversion Started Colombian On Path: Father Fabio Alvarez Posada
July 1, 2004Father Fabio Alvarez Posada recalls going out to play his beloved sport of soccer at the age of 17 one day when he, having not yet embraced his faith, felt this strange desire to go to Mass. There he heard the priest express God’s invitation to “ven a mi” (come to me). That kicked off […]