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What I Have Seen and Heard (August 18, 2005)
August 18, 2005Several couples that I have known for all of my years as a Priest are observing their 50th wedding anniversaries during the coming year. I have been asked to celebrate the Masses at which they will renew their marriage vows. They invited me, not because I am now an Archbishop, but because I have been […]
What I Have Seen and Heard (August 4, 2005)
August 4, 2005We have just about 200 permanent Deacons serving the Archdiocese. They are an exceptionally generous and dedicated group of men, most of whom have equally generous and devoted wives. I have met quite a few at the liturgy, as members of our Archdiocesan staff, on the golf course and the racquetball court, at parish visitations […]
Learning To Let Go Of Fear, Live Life As An Adventure
August 4, 2005We are walking along the shore at Neptune Beach, when suddenly a huge windstorm kicks in, with such ferocity that I am sure we are going to be joining Dorothy and Toto at any moment. Although I grew up in Miami and lived through many hurricanes, this is the first time I am actually aware […]
Pueri Cantores Choir Festival To Be Held
August 4, 2005Catholic school and parish choirs are invited to register now for the Pueri Cantores Festival and Mass, which will bring together several hundred singers ages 7-18 from the Archdiocese of Atlanta and Dioceses of Savannah and Charleston on Nov. 6 at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Savannah. Bishop J. Kevin Boland will […]
Abortion Rights Plaintiffs Seek To Reverse ‘Doe’
August 4, 2005Norma McCorvey and Sandra Cano, the women who were the plaintiffs in the 1973 Supreme Court decisions that legalized abortion virtually on demand, have filed a petition with the high court to set aside the decisions or at least order a new trial on the merits for reversal. In February, accepting only 90 out of […]
Jubilarian Seen As ‘Spiritual Father’ To Many
August 4, 2005Looking into the kindly face of Father Richard Morrow, it is difficult to imagine him as a troublemaker. However, the senior priest, who this year is celebrating his 50th anniversary of ordination, just might owe his vocation to a fistfight. Hundreds of holy cards were printed in honor of Father Morrow’s golden jubilee, which he […]
Pilgrimage Reminds Priest To ‘Bloom Where Planted’
August 4, 2005To thank God for his 20 years of priesthood, backpack-clad Father Marty Kopchik, MSFS, took a summer trip to Spain to hike along the rugged “Camino de Santiago,” one of the most important Christian pilgrim paths since medieval times, leading to the shrine of St. James the Apostle. In 2002 he had spent a sabbatical […]
Fine TV Movie Illuminates Late Pope’s Early Years
August 4, 2005With memories of a frail and infirm Pope John Paul II still vivid, it takes some adjustment to accept a young Karol Wojtyla, here vigorously embodied by Polish actor Piotr Adamczyk. But the moving “A Man Who Became Pope,” airing on cable’s Hallmark Channel Monday, Aug. 15, 8 p.m.-midnight EDT, is, in fact, an account […]
Victor Kramer Receives Award As Merton Scholar
August 4, 2005Victor A. Kramer, Ph.D., professor emeritus of English at Georgia State University, was awarded the “Louis Award” for distinguished Merton scholarship at the ninth general meeting of the International Thomas Merton Society in San Diego on June 12. Kramer and his wife, Dewey Weiss Kramer, Ph.D., who live in Decatur, founded The Merton Annual in […]
Warner Robins Parish Hosts Institute On RCIA
August 4, 2005The North American Forum on the Catechumenate and the Diocese of Savannah are co-sponsoring a Beginnings and Beyond Institute in Warner Robins from Oct. 16-21. Designed for both novice and experienced parish initiation teams, the Beginnings and Beyond Institute presents the vision of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and provides hands-on experiences of […]