July 6, 2023

Light of Our Parish Life: Adoring Christ before serving others
By ALEXANDER BROWN, Special to the Bulletin
Published August 2, 2023Have you considered the role of adoration in your parish’s service? The youth leadership team at Holy Vietnamese Martyrs Church gathers monthly for adoration to strengthen their spiritual relationship.
Travel: Belinda Held’s lifelong vocation
Published July 21, 2023For Belinda Held, sharing her love of travel with others is a vocation. Held has been working with The Georgia Bulletin for more than a decade to organize pilgrimages and accompany travelers to places of spiritual significance from the Holy Land to Europe and beyond.
A second look at what heaven will be like
Published July 20, 2023Heaven, besides God himself, is one of the highest things to think about and a main purpose of philosophy and theology—seeking to know what will happen after this life.
Transfiguration Church Ladies Auxiliary celebrating 20 years
Published July 19, 2023
The Ladies Auxiliary of Transfiguration Church has reached a significant milestone, celebrating its 20th year of existence.
Student wins national handwriting competition
Published July 19, 2023
Lexi Pham, who just completed the 5th grade at St. John the Evangelist School, was selected the 5th-grade Grand National Champion in the 32nd annual Zaner-Bloser National Handwriting Contest.
Production of ‘Garden’ a part of the Eucharistic Revival
Published July 17, 2023I’m 18 years old and my college roommate calls me over to watch a video clip: a dramatic skit entitled “Lifehouse Everything.” Immediately, I’m drawn in by the music and actors. As the scene progresses, I feel my heart do a flip inside my chest.
A new creation
Published July 17, 2023Love is the essence of man’s heart; faith is belief in its perfection and hope struggles in the middle to bring them together.
Catholic summer travel in Georgia
Published July 14, 2023Georgia is full of vast, beautiful places. God’s design is evident through nature, in ornate buildings and in the people you meet. While you may want to visit a classic tourist destination like Panama City Beach or Hilton Head Island, consider seeking God’s presence in the amazing places here in Georgia.
A day of childhood games for young adults
Published July 13, 2023The young adult group at the Cathedral of Christ the King, 20/30 Somethings, is bringing Field Day back on Saturday, Aug. 19—a perfect way to meet new people and have fun.
Catholic Metro Sports announces fall registrations
Published July 10, 2023At more than 16 parishes and schools across the Archdiocese of Atlanta, students from Catholic and public schools are teaming up on soccer fields and basketball courts while their parents get to know each other on the sidelines.
Youth baseball from a Catholic parent’s perspective
Published July 7, 2023My family and I returned last week from a wonderful trip to Cooperstown, New York, the site of the National Baseball Hall of Fame, and the mythical home of our national pastime.
Meeting the man of sorrows in a parking lot
Published July 7, 2023I went to the grocery store to pick up two items. The car’s air-conditioner poured out icy air to protect me from the heavy heat of summer.
Corpus Christi Sunday
Published July 6, 2023
Father Gaurav Shroff, pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Church, led parishioners in a eucharistic procession around Adamson Square in Carrollton. He shares thoughts on video about the procession’s meaning.
Sister Therese Maher, OP, dies May 27
Published July 6, 2023
Sister Therese Maher, OP, died May 27, at St. Elizabeth Manor, Footville, Wisconsin. She had served in Atlanta at St. Pius X High School.
The blood of martyrs is the seed of the church
Published July 6, 2023The liturgical calendar of the summer months includes the feasts of many martyrs—those who died for their faith.
Bringing diverse people of God together through his Body and Blood
By ALEXANDER BROWN, Special to the Bulletin
Published July 6, 2023St. Paul of the Cross Church hosted one of many eucharistic processions the weekend of the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ for the parish year of the National Eucharistic Revival.
Eucharistic procession bridges spiritual and the literal, says St. Aelred pastor
By ALLISON MAWN, Special to the Bulletin
Published July 5, 2023On June 11–Corpus Christi Sunday–St. Aelred Catholic Church in Bishop hosted a eucharistic procession. Father Gregory Tipton, pastor of St. Aelred, described the procession as an opportunity to strengthen one’s relationship with Jesus and rejoice in his presence.
Food truck ministry serves hot meals and hope
By ANDREW NELSON, Staff Writer
Published July 5, 2023The Capuchin Franciscan priests serving in Atlanta and their volunteers are offering simple meals of comfort food to the homeless and hungry near the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Twice a week, people line up for meals outside the order’s food truck.
Bishops of Atlanta Province call for ‘decisive action’ on gun safety, mental health legislation
Published June 27, 2023Sitting in front of a replica of Michelangelo’s Pietà—the sculpture of Mary holding her crucified son—the bishops of the Atlanta Province signed a joint statement June 27 urging “decisive action” to curb gun violence.
‘Garden’ musical tells the oldest story in its Atlanta premiere
By ANDREW NELSON, Staff Writer
Published June 16, 2023“Garden” will have its first performance in Atlanta in a two-weekend run starting at the end of July. The Archdiocese of Atlanta and the ECHO Community are producing the musical, based on Genesis.