That they all be one: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Published January 11, 2023The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is Jan. 18-25. The observance “invites all to respond to Our Master’s urgent plea for unity,” writes Father John Kieran.
Eucharistic revival–we are on mission
By MONICA OPPERMANN, Special to the Bulletin
Published January 4, 2023Archbishop Gregory J. Hartmayer, OFM Conv., invited all pastors to nominate two (or more) representatives to serve as liaisons between their parish and the wider archdiocesan and national Eucharistic Revival efforts.
The Lord of Christmas and Easter
Published December 28, 2022At Christmas, as well as throughout our year, it is in the Eucharist that we sit up and realize that Christmas and Easter must be one for us.
Colorful and prayer-filled celebration honors the Virgin Mary
By ANDREW NELSON, Staff Writer
Published December 26, 2022St. Oliver Plunkett Church celebrated the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe with Masses, a community wedding, prayer and authentic Mexican food during a two-day celebration.
Guillermo del Toro’s ‘Pinocchio’ is a gift for Christmas
Published December 26, 2022The young and critical Flannery O’Connor once derided Carlo Collodi’s “Pinocchio” as “one of the worst books” she had ever read. If O’Connor were able to see the newly released Guillermo del Toro adaptation of the archetypal story, she might change her mind.
‘Jesus loves the little children’
Published December 22, 2022A small boy emerged from the crowd and approached us. He had black hair, olive skin and big, luminescent brown eyes.
Christmas blessings: Emmanuel, God is with us
Published December 22, 2022Atlanta Archbishop Gregory J. Hartmayer, OFM Conv., shares a Christmas message of hope and love for all.
New transitional deacon ordained, encouraged to life of service
By ANDREW NELSON, Staff Writer
Published December 22, 2022Seminarian Pete Coppola reached a milestone on his road to the priesthood on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception as he was ordained to the transitional diaconate in Atlanta.
Titans win flag football state championship in double overtime
By ANDREW NELSON, Staff Writer
Published December 21, 2022Winning the state championship in double overtime, the Blessed Trinity Titans brought home the 7A State Championship trophy for girls’ flag football Dec. 8.
After-school program supports Cumming community
By SAMANTHA SMITH, Special to the Bulletin
Published December 21, 2022After a full day of school, nearly 20 children arrived at “The Little House” at St. Brendan the Navigator Church for a healthy meal, tutoring and fellowship. It’s part of the parish’s new after-school program that the organizer thinks every parish could replicate.
It’s not news that incivility is on the rise, but what do we do about it?
By JULIE ASHER, Catholic News Service
Published December 20, 2022A majority of Americans polled on the topic of rudeness say, that the “tone and civility of U.S. political debate” has been worsening for some time, and it’s not a pretty picture. So why is this the case and why should it matter?
Schools support Catholic Charities Atlanta
Published December 19, 2022
SMYRNA—Archdiocese of Atlanta Catholic School Superintendent Diane Starkovich and Assistant Superintendent Karen Vogtner donated funds from the Catholic school principals and the administrative office to Catholic Charities Atlanta for Christmas. Accepting this year’s gift was Amy Sanislo, the marketing and communications manager at Catholic Charities Atlanta. For information on supporting Catholic Charities, visit catholiccharitiesatlanta.org.
Priests gather for Advent prayer, reconciliation
Published December 19, 2022
Sixty-six priests from the Archdiocese of Atlanta gathered for their annual Advent Day of Reflection on Monday, Nov. 28, at Holy Vietnamese Martyrs Church in Norcross.
Waking up after Christmas
By BENEDICT ESPOSITO, Special to the Bulletin
Published December 12, 2022Waking up on Dec. 26 is not fun. Like any day after a major celebration, it often can seem like a letdown, knowing the party is over. So what to do?
We can walk with trustworthy guides
By ALEXANDER BROWN, Special to the Bulletin
Published December 9, 2022In earlier reflections, I talked about our relationship with the uncreated Creator, causing us to turn from sin and be healed by the saving love and grace of Christ. One of the most amazing aspects of this relationship is the gift of two divinely inspired “maps” that have been drawn for us in our lives.
Eucharistic Revival–where to start?
Published December 9, 2022The Catholic bishops of the United States have called for a three-year National Eucharistic Revival, which began on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus Christ this past June. Here in the Archdiocese of Atlanta, the 25th Eucharistic Congress launched us into the revival.
Be the village to save the children and world
By KRISTINA MCGOVERN, Special to the Bulletin
Published December 9, 2022My dad used to tell me, “Children are resilient.” I always wanted to believe him, but could never forget the sinking feeling that when something bad happens to children, it affects them during their formative years and remains with them for life.
Living Advent with the Blessed Virgin Mary as our guide
Published December 9, 2022In the midst of our Christmas preparations of decorating, baking, writing cards and selecting gifts for family and friends, the church is journeying through the holy season of Advent.
New leader at Office of Mission Advancement enters role
By ANDREW NELSON, Staff Writer
Published December 8, 2022Deacon Rick Medina helped get the GRACE Scholarship program off the ground and then went on to grow Catholic World Mission. Now, he’s the new director for the Archdiocese of Atlanta Office of Mission Advancement.
A message from a stranger
Published December 7, 2022I was driving home from a friend’s house on unfamiliar roads at night. Rain pummeled the car, the windshield fogged up and the lines on the road were momentarily erased.