Supreme Court seems ready to let Affordable Care Act stand
Published November 12, 2020
On Nov. 10, when the fate of the Affordable Care Act faced the Supreme Court for the third time since it was signed into law 10 years ago, the justices seemed willing to leave the bulk of the law intact even if they found one part of it to be unconstitutional.
OSV presenting offertory stabilization program to parishes
By ANDREW NELSON, Staff Writer
Published November 12, 2020Leaders of the Archdiocese of Atlanta are encouraging parishes to begin an offertory recovery initiative from Our Sunday Visitor in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
Central Night Shelter volunteers serve homeless amid pandemic
By ANDREW NELSON, Staff Writer
Published November 12, 2020The Central Night Shelter is facing its first full winter season in the pandemic. As temperatures dipped into the 30s in early November, volunteers on the ground floor of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception served scores of people who are homeless.
Everyone has role in helping nation heal after divisive election, says Jesuit
By TOM TRACY, Catholic News Service
Published November 12, 2020While postelection tensions are exceptionally high, Americans are not as ultra-polarized as the media portrays and they have the tools to help restore personal perspective and improve engagement with divergent opinions.
Catholic Foundation of North Georgia creates emergency response fund
Published November 12, 2020In order to help relieve some of the suffering, the Catholic Foundation of North Georgia has created the Catholic Emergency Relief Fund.
Harnessing the power of prayer at St. Jude the Apostle Church
By ERINA LAMBETH, Special to the Bulletin
Published November 12, 2020When the doors of St. Jude the Apostle closed due to the pandemic, Carol Wood heard God’s call and answered it. She and many faith-filled friends met in front of the church without fail for 212 days to pray the rosary.
Parish Milestones: St. Patrick Church, Norcross, celebrates 50 years
Published November 12, 2020St. Patrick Church in Norcross, served by the Fransalians, marks its 50th anniversary this year and celebrated in a special way in August.
COVID-19 cases at St. Pius X High School prompt return to virtual learning
Published November 12, 2020Administrators at St. Pius X High School in Atlanta, the Office of Catholic Schools of the archdiocese and Archdiocesan Task Force on COVID-19, are monitoring an increasing number of positive cases of the coronavirus among members of the school community.
Biden says once he’s in White House, he’ll ‘unify’ the nation
Published November 12, 2020President-elect Joe Biden told hundreds of supporters in Wilmington that he pledged “to be a president who seeks not to divide but unify” and “who doesn’t see red states and blue states–only the United States.”
McCarrick report summary cites lack of serious investigations of rumors
By CINDY WOODEN, Catholic News Service
Published November 11, 2020Although dogged for years by rumors of sexual impropriety, Theodore E. McCarrick was able to rise in the Catholic hierarchy based on personal contacts, protestations of innocence and a lack of church officials reporting and investigating accusations, according to the Vatican summary of its report on the matter.
Archbishop Hartmayer’s statement on McCarrick report
Published November 10, 2020
Archbishop Gregory Hartmayer, OFM Conv., offered a statement Nov. 10 upon release of the Vatican report on the investigation of now-disgraced former cardinal, Theodore McCarrick.
Catholic organizations partner to feed homeless for Thanksgiving
Published October 30, 2020Ignatius House Jesuit Retreat Center and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Georgia are partnering to feed the homeless during the holiday season.
Monsters prowling through our lives
Published October 29, 2020I will never forget the first time I went to see a scary movie. I was nine, and my mother let me tag along with my older sister to see “Frankenstein,” which would be considered tame by today’s standards.
Deacon Thomas McGrane dies October 15
Published October 29, 2020
Deacon Thomas J. McGrane, retired deacon at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church in Murfreesboro, Tennessee died Oct. 15. He was 89 years old. Deacon McGrane had previously served at Holy Cross Church, Atlanta.
Unofficial Catholic paper mailed to Wisconsin Catholic homes before election
Published October 29, 2020
Ahead of the Nov. 3 presidential election, a publication mailed to Catholic homes around Wisconsin is seeking to influence the vote of readers.
Thomas Merton’s ‘Day of a Stranger’
By DAVID A. KING, Ph.D., Commentary
Published October 29, 2020“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” As the months of the pandemic grind on, it becomes more difficult to embrace that essence of Psalm 118.
Lyke House receives USCCB recognition for campus ministry
By ANDREW NELSON, Staff Writer
Published October 29, 2020The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops recently spotlighted the Lyke House, along with 14 other campus ministries, as a model among the 2,500 religious centers for college students.
Community reacts with joy to former archbishop’s elevation to cardinal
Published October 29, 2020In the Archdiocese of Atlanta, Catholics rejoiced at the news that their former shepherd, Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory of the Archdiocese of Washington, had been appointed a cardinal.
Cardinal-designate Gregory thanks pope ‘with grateful, humble heart’
By MARK ZIMMERMANN, Catholic News Service
Published October 29, 2020Cardinal-designate Wilton D. Gregory thanked Pope Francis “with a very grateful and humble heart” for naming him as one of 13 new cardinals Oct. 25. Now the Archbishop of Washington, he led the Archdiocese of Atlanta for more than 14 years.
Candler’s Catholic Studies director nominated for Latin Grammy
By ANDREW NELSON, Staff Writer
Published October 29, 2020As a composer, Tony Alonso has more than 20 collections of music to his name. His newest work honors his Cuban roots and has been nominated for a Latin Grammy in the Best Christian Album category.