Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta

OSV News photo/Bob Roller
Members of the gospel choir sing during Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Atlanta June 18, during the Catholic Media Conference.


The Georgia Bulletin honored with nine Catholic Media Awards

By NICHOLE GOLDEN, Editor | Published June 24, 2024  | En Español

ATLANTA—At the 2024 Catholic Media Conference, the staff of The Georgia Bulletin received nine Catholic Media Awards. The conference was June 18-21 with the theme of “Connect in ATL.”

The Georgia Bulletin earned Catholic Media Awards for stories, columns, advertising and its website. The award presentations are an annual program of the Catholic Media Association. The program accepts work completed by the association’s members in the United States and Canada from the previous year. The awards presented to The Georgia Bulletin were:

Auxiliary Bishop Robert P. Reed of Boston shared a reflection on the role of Catholic communications professionals as part of his June 19 keynote address at the conference.

Catholic communications is more than “delivering a message,” but rather “journeying alongside people in faith,” said Bishop Reed, who serves as chair of the U.S. Catholic bishops’ communications committee. The bishop is also president of the Archdiocese of Boston’s CatholicTV Network.

Auxiliary Bishop Robert P. Reed of Boston, chair of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Communications, gives the keynote address June 19, during the Catholic Media Conference in Atlanta. OSV News photo/Bob Roller

Even more important than mutual professional interests and collaboration is the spiritual bond that unites Catholic communicators, he noted.

“Our baptism, our common faith, our discipleship, bid us to be connected with the Lord Jesus, whose mission we share,” said Bishop Reed.

The bishop pointed to the words of Pope Francis, who in his message for the 58th World Day of Social Communications said, “Information cannot be separated from living relationships.”

The pope “would want us to do our communication work in a way that fosters compassion and connection,” said Bishop Reed. “We don’t just transfer data.”

“The commission of Jesus to communicate the Good News, to evangelize the world from the individual, the family, and the parish all the way up is a task not to be taken lightly and not to be done alone,” he said. “So we need each other’s support.”

OSV News contributed to this story on the CMC conference.