David A. King, Ph.D. News & Columns
David A. King, Ph.D. is Professor of English and film studies at Kennesaw State University and director of OCIA at Holy Spirit Church, Atlanta.
David A. King, Ph.D.
“Thanks be to the columnists ”
As a boy, then an adolescent, and eventually a college student and adult, I read newspapers every day; I can’t imagine beginning a day without a paper, whether in print or online. The paper is as crucial as morning coffee.
Previous Columns by David A. King, Ph.D.
What News Horatio? Poems by Gary Bouchard
Queen Elizabeth II, British Catholicism and the Agatha Christie Indult
A desiderata for new college students
Graduation, mystagogy and St. John of the Cross
Harriet Monroe, Joyce Kilmer and Poetry Magazine
Batman and Catholicism
Those Winter Sundays
Wish Book for Christmas: Letters to Santa from great Catholic artists
St. Teresa, Gerard Manley Hopkins and Thanksgiving
The cultural problem of Halloween for Catholics
‘Sunderland ‘Til I Die’
Fear and anxiety in Hitchcock’s universe
Father Norman O’Connor: The Jazz Priest
Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s ‘A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings’
‘Signs’ a brilliant look at responding to the unexpected
The Library Card episode in Richard Wright’s ‘Black Boy’
A Catholic considers ‘Star Wars’
Faith, reason and Santa Claus
Thomas Merton’s ‘Day of a Stranger’