Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta

Donal Noonan and Atlanta Homeward Choir members grin for a selfie.

The Homeward Choir performs at the White House

Published December 22, 2015

The men of the Atlanta Homeward Choir made their White House debut Monday, Dec. 21.

The choir, based at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Atlanta, is made up of men who stay at the Central Night Shelter, an ecumenical effort between the Catholic church and its neighbor, Central Presbyterian Church, to offer a roof over the men’s heads during the winter months.

“For me a highlight was seeing my guys, residents of the street of our city, light up with the welcome they received from the people of our nation’s capital. The guys just loved it all, for some their first time flying! It was truly an anointing experience for us all,” wrote the choir director and choir founder, Donal Noonan.

Noonan came up with the idea for the choir after seeing men congregating on the downtown Atlanta streets. This is its third season.   Its mission is “Empowering the Homeless Through Music/Inspiring the Housed to Action.”

During the visit to Washington, D.C., the choir received permission to sing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, where the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. made his “I Have a Dream” speech. The group also visited his memorial along the National Mall.

The Atlanta community supported the efforts of the choir, besting its $25,000 fundraising goal.

Below are photos of the evening at the White House and in Washington, D.C.



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