Caught on camera by a preschool shutterbug
By Michael Alexander, Staff Photographer | Published October 26, 2015
Earlier this month I made a drive down to the new preschool at St. Mary Magdalene Church in Newnan. It’s been some time since I’ve been in a preschool setting; however, I found it to be like I remembered – a bright, colorful and welcoming environment.
Upon arrival I met the preschool director Gina DeGennaro, who in turn, introduced me to the lead two and three-year-old teacher Laura Rodgers and the lead prekindergarten teacher with the Midwestern accent, Amy Rivard.
I bounced between the two rooms taking photographs, the prekindergarten room first and then the two and three-year-old room. While I was in the latter room on my knees trying to photograph the children at their level, one of the three-year-old boys retreated to the rear of the room where some of the toys were stashed, and returned with a camera up to his face as if he was taking my photograph. After he got some shots, he held the camera down and smiled as if to say, ‘You may get us, but I got you.’
It turns out the nearly three-foot tall, 30-pound toddler was Jacob Kotronis. He’s no stranger to cameras and photography. His mother Tara said he likes to use her smartphone to take photos of his parents and the family dog Bella, a Jack Russell Terrier.
In addition to photography, Jacob likes to play with his cars and trucks and ride his four-wheeler in the backyard. Like any child Jacob likes an occasional Chick-fil-A kids meal or ice cream, but he truly enjoys eating vegetables, especially tomatoes.
Jacob has adjusted well to St. Mary Magdalene Church Preschool. “He loves his teachers and he’s made new friends,” said his mom. I think Jacob is a perfect ambassador for the new parish preschool. To learn more about it, see Nichole Golden’s upcoming story in the Oct. 29 issue of The Georgia Bulletin.
Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 18:3-4