Bishop To Bishop: ‘Be Patient And Enjoy Your New Call’
By ANDREW NELSON, Staff Writer | Published April 11, 2013
ATLANTA—The Atlanta Archdiocese received its first auxiliary bishop in close to 40 years in 2009 when Auxiliary Bishop Luis R. Zarama was ordained.
Bishop Zarama offered some insights he has learned over the years for his new collaborator, Bishop David P. Talley, when he answered a few questions from The Georgia Bulletin:
What has surprised you about serving as an auxiliary bishop that you were not expecting?
Being a bishop, to realize that I am a bishop, and how this changes the way that the people see me—I never expected this. Also, I am at different events that never crossed my mind in the past to attend. And then, I am asked to serve in a function I never thought I could do.
What are two pieces of advice you’d give Bishop Talley as he undertakes his new role?
Be patient and enjoy your new call to serve.
As a pastor, you are responsible for a parish community. As a bishop, you are to care for the whole diocese. How has the experience been for you? How has your faith changed because of this different view of the church?
My faith has been enriched by being with the different parishes and communities around the Archdiocese of Atlanta, sharing and participating with them in their own experiences of faith and culture. It has been a great blessing from the Lord for me to celebrate the sacrament of confirmation and to share after Mass a little time with our teens for a chat. At the same time, the opportunity to visit with brother priests and have a meal together has been a great blessing.
Is there anything you wish you could do more of as an auxiliary bishop?
Have more time to be with my brother priests and deacons.