Mercy Care doctor: ‘I need to give back to the community’
By ANDREW NELSON, Staff Writer | Published November 27, 2014
Luis Galvez, M.D., 58, has volunteered with Mercy Care for 20 years. A physician at Emory Saint Joseph’s Hospital, he lives in Sandy Springs and attends Holy Spirit Church, Atlanta. He spoke of the imperative he feels as a physician to give back.
Q. How do you serve at Mercy Care?
A. I provide medical care to patients who come to the Mercy Care clinic. Right now, I am focused on gastrointestinal problems.
Q. How long have you volunteered at Mercy Care and what spurred you to get involved?
A. I always wanted to do this when I finished medical school. I thought and feel my capabilities, training and education are a gift from God. I need to give this back to the community, to people in need, and God.
Q. What gives you joy about serving with Mercy Care?
A. Knowing that people have access to something they deserve, medical care. And they learn how to take care of themselves.
Q. How has volunteering at Mercy Care shaped you?
A. It makes me feel lucky and humble and grateful for what I have received, all from God.