Bulletin Notes
Bulletin Notes provide individuals and parishes the opportunity to post events in the diocese.
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Bulletin Notes provide individuals and parishes the opportunity to post events in the diocese.
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CTK BELIEVES: Tues, March 11; 7:30-8:30 a.m.; Ministry Offices of the Cathedral of Christ the King, 2699 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta. The first BELIEVES session of the year will be in-person. The programs help professionals integrate faith into work life. The sessions will remain quarterly. For more information, visit: cathedralctk.com/believes. Posted: February 16th, 2025
Young Catholic Professionals (YCP), a fast growing non-profit organization, has chapters in Atlanta and nearly 30 cities across the country and internationally. YCP was founded in 2010 by a young entrepreneur with a mission to "Work in Witness for Christ." YCP forms tomorrow’s leaders to step forward in their communities and workplaces. Volunteers are the backbone of a YCP chapter. They deploy financial resources, network with high-level executives and rally a diverse set of skills to achieve challenging goals and bring young adults to Christ through exceptional programming. If interested, please reach out to YCP Atlanta President to learn more about the group and open positions. Contact: mariela.cruz@ycpatlanta.org.
Posted: May 16th, 2023JORNADA DE LAS ESCRITURAS: Lunes; 7:30-8:30 p.m.; Holy Cross Church, 3773 Chamblee Tucker Road, Atlanta. La Iglesia de la Santa Cruz tendrá clases de “Introducción a la Biblia”. ¡Aprende el porqué y el cuándo de la Biblia! (Por favor, trae tu Biblia contigo a las clases.) Contacto: Father Jose Guadalupe, 770-939-3501. Posted: February 16th, 2025
LA DEVOCIÓN AL SAGRADO CORAZÓN: Primer viernes de cada mes; 6 p.m.; La Iglesia Católica Holy Trinity, 101 Walt Banks Road, Peachtree City. La Iglesia Católica Holy Trinity organizará una Vigilia al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús recurrente en español el primer viernes de cada mes. Para más información, visite htptc.com/sagradocorazondejesus. Posted: February 16th, 2025
40 DAYS FOR LIFE: Mon, March 3; 6:30 p.m.; Sun, March 16; 5-6:30 p.m.; Mon, April 14; 6:30 p.m.; All events will take place in the lower-level meeting room of Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, 2855 Briarcliff Road NE, Atlanta. Please join the Respect Life Ministry and other Christians for 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. The spring campaign will kick off on March 3, followed by a mid-point rally on March 16 featuring Ramona Trevino and the closing ceremony will be April 14. Trevino is a former manager of a Planned Parenthood facility and will share the story of her return to the Catholic faith and conversion to the pro-life cause. For more information, contact: Cathy Schneider, cathyschneider123@gmail.com. Posted: February 25th, 2025
BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP: Wednesdays, 5-6 p.m.; St. Ann Church, 4905 Roswell Rd, Marietta. This drop-in group is open to anyone who has lost a loved one or friend. Contact: Linda for more information at lwalshrn@st-ann.org or 770-552-6400. Posted: August 14th, 2023
COURAGE AND ENCOURAGE: Courage is a spiritual fellowship group for men and women who experience same-sex attraction. Through discussion, prayer and chaste friendship, Courage members strengthen each other to joyfully live the authentic teachings of the Catholic Church. EnCourage provides support for families and friends of people with same-sex attraction and/or gender dysphoria. In many cases, their loved ones identify as LGBT and no longer practice the faith. Meetings occur monthly in Atlanta. Interested in joining? Email courageatlanta@gmail.com or call 803-686-3211. Posted: April 24th, 2024
CTK BELIEVES: Tues, March 11; 7:30-8:30 a.m.; Ministry Offices of the Cathedral of Christ the King, 2699 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta. The first BELIEVES session of the year will be in-person. The programs help professionals integrate faith into work life. The sessions will remain quarterly. For more information, visit: cathedralctk.com/believes. Posted: February 16th, 2025
FORTUNATE AND FAITHFUL FAMILIES: Since 2013 this ministry has served Catholic parents and families striving to love and embrace their LGBT children. Every person is a beloved child of God, and our goal is to encourage education, encounter, support and community so that no one feels excluded or unloved due to their sexual orientation. The group welcomes all who are striving to deepen family relationships as well as faith and trust in God. Contact: fortunatefaithfulfamilies.org or fortunatefaithfulfamilies@gmail.com for information. Posted: May 6th, 2024
MOURNING GLORY PODCAST: Jennifer Thomas, parishioner of Prince of Peace Church in Flowery Branch, co-hosts the podcast, “Mourning Glory.” The mission is to help others navigate grief from a Catholic perspective. Andrea Bear is her co-host. A Catholic therapist who leads GriefShare in Stockton, California is a resource for the group. Find the podcast at www.mourningglorypodcast.com. Contact: for details, email mourningglorypodcast@gmail.com. Posted: October 25th, 2023
NATIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION LIFELINE: 9-8-8 is the direct line to trained National Suicide Prevention Lifeline counselors for those seeking help in a mental health crisis. Please reach out if you or your loved one is in need. Contact: Maggie Rousseau, director of the Disabilities Ministry, at mrousseau@archatl.com, for other resources. Posted: August 4th, 2022
RACE RELATIONS DIALOGUE: Second Thursdays of the month; 7 p.m.; First floor meeting room of Emblem Alpharetta Apartments, 1000 Fanfare Way, Alpharetta. A live or video program is presented, followed by small and large group discussion. Visit racerelationsdialogue.org for more information. Contact: John Dearie at 770-587-1563. Posted: April 24th, 2024
RETROUVAILLE: Is your marriage going down the right road or is it a little off track? Life can be difficult, and so can the challenges you face in marriage. Are you already separated? Looking for a better way? Retrouvaille can help and offers hope for a better relationship. Retrouvaille is a peer ministry of volunteer couples that can help you learn the tools of healthy communication, build intimacy and heal, just as they have done in their own marriages. Retrouvaille is Christian-based, and Catholic in origin, but welcomes couples of all faiths as well as non-religious couples. Contact: for more information about upcoming Retrouvaille Weekend programs, call Mus and Rubina at 404-234-6006 or visit the website: HelpOurMarriage.org. Posted: April 24th, 2024
SCRIPTURE JOURNEY: Thursdays; 6:30-7:30 p.m.; Holy Cross Church, 3773 Chamblee Tucker Road, Atlanta. Holy Cross Church will be having in-person “Introduction to the Bible” classes. Learn the why and when of the Bible. Please bring a Bible to class. Contact: Jane Goodwin, 404-667-9408. Posted: February 16th, 2025
WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER: Feb. 28-March 2; April 25-27, Aug. 15-17 and Nov. 7-9 are the 2025 Marriage Encounter weekends. Spring Hill Suites Marriott, Roswell. Married couples at all stages of life can benefit from a weekend away that will take already good marriages and help shape them into lifetime love affairs. The weekend allows couples to really talk with one another and be alone together without all the distractions of daily life. A Marriage Encounter weekend is an experience that will help you to make time for each other, to communicate more effectively and to rekindle that spark in your marriage. You can once again experience that special closeness and joy that will light up your life. Contact: 678-242-WWME (9963) and WWME.org. Weekends are also presented in Spanish. For information on Spanish-language weekends, call Carlos and Chela Valdes 678-887-2953 and Jose and Blanca Villatoro 404 302-5683. Posted: June 26th, 2024
Young Catholic Professionals (YCP), a fast growing non-profit organization, has chapters in Atlanta and nearly 30 cities across the country and internationally. YCP was founded in 2010 by a young entrepreneur with a mission to "Work in Witness for Christ." YCP forms tomorrow’s leaders to step forward in their communities and workplaces. Volunteers are the backbone of a YCP chapter. They deploy financial resources, network with high-level executives and rally a diverse set of skills to achieve challenging goals and bring young adults to Christ through exceptional programming. If interested, please reach out to YCP Atlanta President to learn more about the group and open positions. Contact: mariela.cruz@ycpatlanta.org.
Posted: May 16th, 2023EXPLORING FAITH & SCIENCE RETREAT: March 28-30; 3 p.m.-11 a.m.; Heritage Center, 979 Locust Grove Road SE, Crawfordville. Join Brother Guy Consolmagno, SJ, director of the Vatican Observatory, and learn to find God in the universe itself. Brother Guy’s talks will engage both the mind and the heart as he leads guests through finding God in the stars and in the joy experienced by observing the sky. The mere existence of such beautiful stars is a very particular sort of “something” that drives Leibniz’s famous query “why is there something instead of nothing?” The location provides a perfect setting to dive deep into astronomy and explore the relationship between faith and science. The program rate includes four talks by Brother Guy, a visit to Deerlick Astronomy Village, two dinners, two breakfasts, one lunch and extended access to the Retreat at Heritage. This program is open to guests ages 18 and older. To register: HeritageGA.org/book. Posted: February 16th, 2025
REGNUM CHRISTI MEN & WOMEN RETREATS: Carmel Retreat Center, 415 Old Collins Road, Hoschton. Escape the busyness of daily life and spend a weekend with God at the Carmel Retreat Center. Modeled after the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, the retreats are designed to deepen your relationship with Christ and align life with his plan. Two-, three- and five-day retreats are available. Each retreat fosters a deeper knowledge of Christ through Scripture and offers practical tools for living a Christ-centered life. For dates, costs, and online registration visit: rcatlanta.org/rc-atlanta-events. Posted: February 16th, 2025
REGNUM CHRISTI MEN’S RETREATS: Fourth Monday of each month; 6 p.m.; Holy Spirit Church, 4465 Northside Drive NW, Atlanta. Strengthen your commitment to Christ and grow in virtue at the Men’s Monthly Retreats. These evenings are designed to challenge and inspire men to live a virtuous life and deepen their faith. Included in the retreat are adoration, reflection, Mass, opportunities for confession, fellowship and a meal. Open to all men. Take this opportunity to grow spiritually and connect with like-minded individuals. For more information: https://rcatlanta.org/men-retreats. Posted: February 16th, 2025
REGNUM CHRISTI WOMEN’S RETREATS: Monthly (see parish calendar for exact dates); 8 a.m.; Holy Spirit Church, 4465 Northside Drive NW, Atlanta. Nourish your soul and grow in faith with the Women’s Monthly Retreats. These gatherings provide tools to help women deepen their relationship with Christ and live as witnesses of the Gospel. Included in the retreat are Mass, directed meditations, reflection, opportunities for reconciliation and a light breakfast. Open to all women. Join us to reflect, connect, and be renewed in Christ. For more information: rcatlanta.org/women-retreats. Posted: February 16th, 2025
REGNUM CHRISTI’S MONTHLY WOMEN’S RETREATS: Second Saturdays of each month; 8 a.m.; St. Brendan the Navigator Church, 4633 Shiloh Road, Cumming. Nourish your soul and grow in faith with the monthly retreats. These gatherings provide tools to help women deepen their relationship with Christ and live as witnesses of the Gospel. Open to all women. Join us to reflect, connect and be renewed in Christ. For more information: rcatlanta.org/women-retreats. Posted: February 16th, 2025
SUFFERING LOVE RETREAT: April 25-27; Retreat House Monastery of the Holy Spirit, 2625 Highway 212 SW, Conyers. Sisters Faustina, Therese de Lisieux and Elizabeth of the Trinity teach us how to allow God to transform sufferings into precious gifts that bring healing to us and others. Call the retreat house at 770-760-0959. Posted: February 16th, 2025
THREE ESSENTIALS OF TRUE DISCIPLESHIP: March 18-19; Heritage Center, 979 Locust Grove Road SE, Crawfordville. Join Heritage Founder Betsy Orr for this special Lenten retreat, designed to deepen your faith and personal commitment to Christ. Explore three of the essential qualities needed for an ongoing life of meaningful discipleship. This program is open to guests ages 18 and older. Wednesday-only attendance is also an option. To register for Wednesday only, please go to HeritageGA.org/book. Posted: February 25th, 2025
CATHOLIC CHARITIES SOIREE: Sat, March 29; 6-11 p.m.; Georgia Aquarium, 225 Baker Street NW, Atlanta. Please join Catholic Charities Atlanta for its annual soiree, celebrating those who uplift the community and benefitting its parenting and mental health programs. The event will honor Lisa Menendez and will include dinner, entertainment and an auction. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit: catholiccharitiesatlanta.org/soiree. Posted: February 25th, 2025
MONSIGNOR REYNOLDS CHARITY CHALLENGE: Mon, May 12; 10 a.m.-8 p.m.; Country Club of Roswell, 2500 Club Springs Drive, Roswell. The 26th annual Monsignor Reynolds Charity Challenge, hosted by the Men of Saint Brigid, is a multi-sport fundraiser benefiting ministries and charities of St. Brigid Catholic Church and the Archdiocese of Atlanta. The Matching Fund donations collected this year will support the Mustard Seed ministry. At the event, women and men participate in golf, pickleball or tennis, enjoy dinner, wine/whiskey tasting, music, prizes and silent auction featuring discount gift cards to local restaurants. Contact: msgrreynoldscharitychallenge@gmail.com or visit menofsb.com for more information. Posted: February 25th, 2025
Young Catholic Professionals (YCP), a fast growing non-profit organization, has chapters in Atlanta and nearly 30 cities across the country and internationally. YCP was founded in 2010 by a young entrepreneur with a mission to "Work in Witness for Christ." YCP forms tomorrow’s leaders to step forward in their communities and workplaces. Volunteers are the backbone of a YCP chapter. They deploy financial resources, network with high-level executives and rally a diverse set of skills to achieve challenging goals and bring young adults to Christ through exceptional programming. If interested, please reach out to YCP Atlanta President to learn more about the group and open positions. Contact: mariela.cruz@ycpatlanta.org.
Posted: May 16th, 2023HIS HOLY FACE PRAYER GROUP: First Saturday of the month after 9 a.m. Mass; Christ The Redeemer, 991 Kilough Church Rd., Dawsonville. His Holy Face is more than a devotion, it is a spirituality of atonement and request from the Lord to help save our hurting world, by praying for the conversion of sinners and help make reparation for the blasphemies and insults the Lord continues to endure today. Attendees will gather and pray together. Contact: Keri Allen, Info@ProclaimMyWord.org or 404-281-5741. Posted: July 19th, 2024
LAY MISSIONARIES OF CHARITY-ATLANTA (LMC): An international movement within the Order of the Missionaries of Charity of St. Teresa of Calcutta, Lay Missionaries of Charity (LMC) consists of lay people: married and single, who adhere to the Spirit (humility, total abandonment, and child-like trust to God) and charism of the MC family, and whose lives are marked by prayers and joyful sacrifices beginning within their own families. The general end of the LMC is to quench the thirst of Jesus on the Cross for love and for souls and its mission is to work for the salvation and sanctification of the members, of their own families and of the poorest of the poor they meet. Meetings and prayer are according to need. Contact: visit laymc.com or email atlantalaymc@gmail.com. Posted: April 19th, 2024
SECULAR DISCALCED CARMELITES OF CONYERS: Second Sundays, 9:30 a.m.; Monastery of the Holy Spirit, 2625 Highway 212 SW Conyers. Do you feel called to a deeper spirituality? Mary Queen of Carmel Secular Discalced Carmelite Community invites you to delve more deeply into the spirituality of Doctors of the Church St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross. We are practicing members of the Catholic Church who make the commitment to the Discalced Carmelite Order to seek the face of God for the sake of the church and the world. Our community meets at the Monastery of the Holy Spirit on the second Sunday, including Mass. Contact: Chad Cooper at 770-335-6929 or email conyerscarmel@gmail.com for more information. Posted: April 17th, 2023
SPIRITUAL ADOPTION OF PRIESTS: Consider becoming a spiritual mother/father of a priest, to offer prayers for a specific priest as he strives to follow the example of Jesus and to nurture his vocation, ministry and holiness. We would like all priests in the Archdiocese of Atlanta to have a spiritual parent praying for them. Contact: Marta Duran at martarduran@gmail.com or 404-210-7216 if interested in joining the ministry of prayer. Posted: January 5th, 2024
THREE ESSENTIALS OF TRUE DISCIPLESHIP: March 18-19; Heritage Center, 979 Locust Grove Road SE, Crawfordville. Join Heritage Founder Betsy Orr for this special Lenten retreat, designed to deepen your faith and personal commitment to Christ. Explore three of the essential qualities needed for an ongoing life of meaningful discipleship. This program is open to guests ages 18 and older. Wednesday-only attendance is also an option. To register for Wednesday only, please go to HeritageGA.org/book. Posted: February 25th, 2025