Catholic Foundation announces spring awards
Published August 11, 2024
ATLANTA—The Catholic Foundation of North Georgia’s Pastors Advisory Council made award recommendations for Parish Enrichment Grants to the foundation’s board for approval. This spring, 20 grants totaling $20,000 were awarded.
These grants of $1,000 each help meet needs that the pastor of a church has identified as meaningful. Funding for these grants is provided by the Reverend Monsignor Edward J. Dillon Fund (formerly called the General Fund).
The Catholic Foundation attracts, professionally manages and invests gifts to support the current and long-term financial needs of parishes, schools, charities and other ministries. Through the stewardship and growth of the funds, grants are made to support the nonprofits, parishes and schools serving the general community within the boundaries of the Archdiocese of Atlanta.
The 2024 Spring Parish Enrichment Grant awards follow:
Corpus Christi Church, Stone Mountain, to provide new liturgical garments for the altar servers.
Good Shepherd Church, Cumming, to purchase missals for the Hispanic community.
Holy Name of Jesus Chinese Mission, Norcross, to acquire a drop safe to fulfill operational needs.
Holy Spirit Church, Atlanta, to provide scholarships for the Certificado en Ministerio Pastoral program for four HSCC Centro catechists.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, Carrollton, to fund painting supplies for Paint & Pray events.
Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Brookhaven, to support the St. Vincent de Paul Conference in purchasing children’s religious activity gifts and snack supplies for neighbors requesting assistance.
Our Lady of the Mountains Church, Jasper, to fund the startup of the family faith formation program including a special needs ministry.
Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, Hartwell, to continue the upgrades to the religious education space and classrooms.
St. Andrew Church, Roswell, to purchase furniture for the high school youth room used for meetings, bible studies, Confirmation classes and social events.
St. Anna’s Church, Monroe, to purchase security cameras for the parish.
St. Bernadette Church, Cedartown, to purchase a pavement striper to repaint lines in the parking lot.
St. Brendan the Navigator Church, Cumming, to fund courses and materials to train six catechists through the National Catholic Partnership on Disability.
St. James the Apostle Church, McDonough, to provide breakfast to homeless students and transportation for students to attend a confirmation retreat.
St. Mark Church, Clarkesville, to help with plumbing costs of the chapel renovation.
St. Mary’s Church, Rome, to provide outreach and program activities for parish youth through the Young Adult Ministry.
St. Mary’s Church, Toccoa, to help purchase additional hymnals.
St. Matthew Church, Tyrone, to equip the youth center in an adjacent building recently purchased.
St. Thomas the Apostle Church, Smyrna, to help fund a teen mission trip to El Salvador.
St. Vincent de Paul Church, Dallas, to help purchase and distribute personal items to the homeless and others in need.
Sts. Peter and Paul Church, Decatur, to support the annual Vacation Bible School promoting a strong and grounded Catholic faith in the youth.
Spring Catholic Community Grants
The Catholic Foundation of North Georgia’s Board of Directors also awarded and approved 17 Catholic Community Grants totaling $125,000 for the spring grant cycle, which is open to Catholic schools. Funding for these grants is provided by the Conrads Family Education Fund, which supports Catholic schools located in the archdiocese.
The community grant recipients are:
Christ the King School, Atlanta: $5,000 to upgrade security on campus, including new cameras and door controls.
Cristo Rey Atlanta Jesuit High School, Atlanta: $4,500 to purchase new laptops for computer science labs.
Holy Redeemer School, Johns Creek: $5,000 to purchase The Social Institute’s #WinAtSocial program for educators, students and families.
Holy Spirit Preparatory School, Atlanta: $8,000 to assist in purchasing a new playground system for the Lower School.
Marist School, Atlanta: $5,000 to install new projectors in classrooms.
Monsignor Donovan High School, Athens: $20,000 to update the aging HVAC system.
St. Catherine of Siena School, Kennesaw: $8,000 to purchase ClearTouch boards.
St. John Neumann Regional School, Lilburn: $8,000 to replace stage curtains.
St. John the Evangelist School, Hapeville: $5,700 to replace the broken scoreboard and install a wooden cross in the enrichment center.
St. Joseph School, Athens: $8,000 to purchase equipment to enhance STREAM educational programs.
St. Joseph School, Marietta: $4,800 to provide primary grade teachers with Chromeboxes and monitors.
St. Jude the Apostle School, Sandy Springs: $7,000 to construct a handicapped access ramp to the soccer field.
St. Mary’s Academy, Fayetteville: $8,500 to purchase aviation technology equipment to apply and extend students’ knowledge from the classroom into real world applications.
St. Mary’s School, Rome: $8,500 to purchase new bleachers for the athletic field.
St. Peter Claver Regional School, Decatur: $8,000 to purchase and install an interactive whiteboard in the computer lab/testing center.
St. Pius X High School, Atlanta: $5,000 to create a STEM Lab for robotics and engineering classes.
St. Thomas More School, Decatur: $6,000 to purchase new cafeteria tables with attached stools.
Designated grant distributions total 1.8 million
The Catholic Foundation announced that more than $1.8 million in designated grant distributions were sent to organizations through 240 grants in April. More than 275 funds managed by the foundation were eligible for distribution, and organizations elected to receive grants from 205 of those funds. This brings the total to over $2.1 million in designated grants awarded this year, supporting 103 organizations.
Designated grant distributions are grants made from an endowment fund that names a particular beneficiary or beneficiaries in the fund agreement. These grants do not require an application and are awarded once a year.
These designated grants are the largest series of grants from the Catholic Foundation. In the 2022-2023 fiscal year, they accounted for 59% of the total grant dollars awarded.
The Paul and Melinda Krarup Endowment Fund granted its first set of distributions this year. It was established by Deacon Paul Krarup and funded by a beneficiary designation of his IRA. Melinda passed away in 2013 and Deacon Paul in 2022, but the organizations close to their hearts will receive an annual distribution forever due to their generosity.
Organizations receiving their first grants from this fund are Prince of Peace Church, Society of St. Vincent de Paul Conference at Prince of Peace Church, the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal, Catholic Relief Services, Catholic Charities Atlanta, Amigos for Christ and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Georgia Chapter.