40 Days for Life kicks off in Atlanta on Ash Wednesday
By SAMANTHA SMITH, Staff Writer | Published February 5, 2021 | En Español
ATLANTA—The annual campaign bringing Christians together to end abortion begins its journey on Feb. 17.
40 Days for Life is a Christian organization that coordinates a 40-day effort aiming to end abortion through prayer, fasting and community outreach. The organization has reached more than 1,000 cities in 63 countries.
Steve Karlen, director for the 40 Days for Life campaign, will share the story and work of the organization at a kick-off prayer rally from 9:45 a.m.-noon on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 17, in the public right-away across the street from Feminist Women’s Health Center, 1924 Cliff Valley Way NE, Atlanta.
“People in Atlanta have made extraordinary sacrifices to expose the abortion industry and to protect preborn children and their mothers from abortion,” said Karlen. “I’m honored to be able to join these folks in prayer. Their efforts illustrate why we’re seeing historic changes–more mothers choosing life, more abortion workers experiencing conversions and leaving the abortion industry, and more abortion centers closing their doors for good.”
The prayer rally will include testimonies from the team at “From Lamb to Lion Ministry,” as well as prayer by Alfred Donald of Lakewood Church of Christ and Atlanta Inner-City Ministry and Deacon Tim Tye of St. Brigid Church in Johns Creek.
Karlen will speak at other area events throughout the campaign, including another 40 Days for Life kick-off event at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 16, outside Planned Parenthood at Cobb Health Center, 220 Cobb Parkway North, Marietta. Additional guest speakers include Jill Stanek and Chaney Mullins from PLAN (Pregnancy and Life Assistance Network). Worship will be led by songwriter Charmaine Landrum. To attend, please RSVP to Rachel Guy at proverbs31eight@att.net.
The campaign concludes on March 28, Palm Sunday.
Additional events are being held around Atlanta for the entire campaign. For a complete list of events, visit 40daysforlife.com/atlanta.