Run for Mercy 5K raises funds for indigent health care
By SAMANTHA SMITH, Staff Writer | Published August 8, 2019
ATLANTA— The third annual Run for Mercy 5K, hosted by Emory Saint Joseph Hospital, raised more than $73,000 to support the hospital’s mission and Mercy Care Atlanta.
“The Sisters of Mercy started Saint Joseph’s Hospital in 1880 as a way to bring health care to our community,” said Heather Dexter, CEO of Emory Saint Joseph Hospital. “This race allows us to continue that mission to provide education, screenings and health care to the community where it is needed most,” she said.
On March 23, teams and individuals supported the annual event by participating in the Peachtree Road Race qualifier. The Sisters of Mercy blessed runners with holy water.
With the participants’ support and additional sponsors, this year’s Run for Mercy raised $73,799.
Mercy Care Atlanta recently received $25,000 of the proceeds. The remaining amount went to Emory Saint Joseph Hospital’s Fund for Excellence.
The fund for excellence “supports the overall mission and strategic direction of the hospital,” said Ansley Thompson, director of community engagement for Emory Saint Joseph Hospital. It also provides funds needed to grow, deliver exceptional care and introduce new services, she explained.
Mercy Care Atlanta provides health care to the uninsured and underinsured, including the homeless, through their six clinic locations and four mobile sites in Georgia.
Furthering the ministry of the Sisters of Mercy, Mercy Care provides health care “in a spirit of loving service to those in need, with special attention to the poor and vulnerable.”
“We are so grateful for the many runners and walkers who support the Run for Mercy 5K each year, which, in turn, allows us to expand our services in the community to those needing it most,” said Dexter.
The 2020 Run for Mercy 5K is set for March 21.