Kiersten Schutz first in Roswell to earn AHG’s highest scouting award
Published March 10, 2017
ROSWELL—Kiersten Schutz, a member of American Heritage Girls Troop GA1412, earned American Heritage Girls’ highest honor, the Stars and Stripes Award.
The final step of her five-year process was her Stars and Stripes project at the preschool at St. Andrew Church, Roswell, where she organized educational and inspirational hand-painted murals.
Schutz is the first in her troop, first in Roswell, and may be the first Scout in the Archdiocese of Atlanta to earn this award. She joins her grandfather (Boy Scout Eagle Scout) and mother (Girl Scout Silver Award) in the scouting tradition to earn the highest levels of leadership and achievement.
A St. Brigid Church parishioner, she attends Georgia Institute of Technology. She is active at the Georgia Tech Catholic Center, where she sings in the choir, tutors Cristo Rey students, and most recently joined them in pilgrimages to SEEK 2017 and the national March for Life.
American Heritage Girls Troop is a Christian organization aimed at character development.