Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


University Catholic students examine gifts for ministry

Published October 6, 2016

ATLANTA—The Catholic student communities of the Atlanta University Center and Georgia State University held their first joint workshop on liturgy and ministry in the Catholic Church on Aug. 31.

The workshop was held in the Lyke House Atrium, where some 20 students and three facilitators—Kevin Johnson, Kenneth Lewis and Father Urey Mark—examined the documents of Vatican Council II to gain a deeper understanding of liturgy and ministry in the church and the importance of baptism and the sacraments.

The conversation touched on ministry as a gift to share through service, and the students identified their own gifts to share in ministry. Those insights led to a discussion on stewardship as a response to God, using the gifts God gives.

The students also asked questions about infant baptism and emergency baptism due to “imminent danger of death,” as well as queries about purgatory and dying in a state of grace. The discussion also included ministry and the common priesthood of the faithful, as well as the ministerial priesthood of the ordained.