Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Hawthorne Dominicans to hold vocation weekend

Published September 1, 2016

ATLANTA—The Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne, who care for patients with incurable cancer at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Home in Atlanta, will hold a vocation discernment weekend Sept. 23-25. The weekend is for women interested in learning more about religious life and the apostolate of the community.

Rose Hawthorne, daughter of famed novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne, founded the Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Home was founded 76 years ago. The home is located at 760 Pollard Boulevard, SW, Atlanta.

The weekend will consist of Masses, communal prayer, talks, visits with patients, opportunities to speak with the sisters, and questions and discussion.

Those interested in attending the discernment weekend can contact Sister Alma Marie, OP, at 845-745-1319 or email her at