Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Marist School has history of Habitat firsts

Published June 23, 2016

ATLANTA—Marist students began working on Habitat for Humanity houses in 1985 and three years later established the Marist School Habitat chapter, the first high school Habitat for Humanity chapter in the world. In 2001, Marist created the first Women Build chapter. Two years later, the women completed their first home for a family.

To date, Marist high school students have completed 24 homes and the Marist Women completed their 16th in May.

The student chapter works with some two-dozen students who dream up creative ideas to raise money for house building. On the work site, students learn skills, connect with other students and volunteers, and work alongside the homeowner.

“Most have no idea that a family doesn’t have a home, let alone a room of their own,” said Karen Shanahan, director of community service at Marist.

Marist Women built this spring’s home working alongside the family of three, a mom and two young students.

“Marist women seem to give their whole heart, time and commitment to the Women Build,” said Shanahan. “They really feel connected to the concept.”

Pam Nutsugah, co-chair of the 2015-2016 Marist Women Build, said, “The women of Marist continue to inspire us each year by their compassion, generosity, hard work and dedication to helping another mother provide a home for her family.”