Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta

College Park

Father Dwyer: New evangelization in daily life

Published June 27, 2014

COLLEGE PARK–Father Dave Dwyer, director of Busted Halo, shared some tips at the 2014 Eucharistic Congress on doing the work of the “new evangelization” starting with the individual.

  • Focus on yourself: If you feel your spiritual life is too routine, experiment with something new. Attend daily Mass. Participate in Eucharistic adoration. Pray with a smartphone. Learn about your patron saint.
  • In your family: Pray with your family and say grace before meals. Bless your children before bed. Do religious education homework together. Refocus time off to take a family pilgrimage, instead of a vacation.
  • In a small faith community: Get to know others in your parish. Share faith experiences outside the scheduled events with a few people, regularly.
  • In the parish: Join a new ministry. Pass your skills to other ministry members. Sponsor an RCIA candidate.
  • In the wider community: Decorate your workspace with a religious icon. Wear parish apparel. Post faith messages on social media.

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